Tecnoalarm Homeassistant integration

Hello everybody. I’m from Italy too, so if you want to debate in Italy please write me.

I’ve a tecnoalarm p4-20 in the home that I just bought. I would like to integrate in home assistant with konnected (in parallel) but I need to know how can I know the status of the alarm ON/OFF on home asssitant. I read something about output function but didn’t understand. I’ve the master code if could help. Thank you.

TP4-20 is pretty old and somewhat limted panel. First, if you don’t have installer code you won’t do anything. Master code is not capable of programming anything.
Yes, you can program outputs to show status of programs, but right now i don’t recall if 4-20 has 4 or only 2 outputs.
But, if you are not familiar with programming i suggest that you call a proffessional…

I’ve the code that installer use but anyway i can ask directly to a professional installer.

But about konnected i need to know if the output could be a solution for parallel installation.

Thank you.

Yes, output can be programmed to indicate if certain program is on or off. Then you can connect a relay on those outputs, and, say, use esp module, programmed as input (or shelly input… etc…) to show state in HA.

I checked manual: TP4-20 has two outputs and 4 programs - so if you use all 4 programs then you’ll have to decide which two you wish to monitor in HA. However, there might me a solution if you have zones extender (speed 4 or speed 8) - depending on which model of extender you have they might also have two outputs, so if you have wires you might be using those, too.

Hello everyone, I also have a Tecnoalarm system (I will check tomorrow the exact number) where I can activate/deactivate the alarm with the mobile app (which is horrible btw).

As far as I can see there are 4 ports open

10001/tcp open  scp-config
10002/tcp open  documentum
10003/tcp open  documentum_s
10004/tcp open  emcrmirccd
MAC Address: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (Tecnoalarm S.r.l.)

10001 is the port forwarded.
I read here mentioned the “tecno-out” protocol, which seems to be “closed source”.
Was anyone able to reverse engineer what is being sent from the mobile app?
Ideally I would like to understand what is being sent to this port to turn on/off the alarm.

Thank you

I guess that even if someone would “decode” it it would be pretty much useless. I bet it’s encoded communication - at least it’s logical that it should be. If anyone would be able to decode “talking” between app and panel then such system would be very vulnerabile and thus pretty much useless, since anyone with decent knowledge would be able to turn of alarm.

Thus said, i have somewhat mixed emotions here… on one side it would be nice to have Tecnoalarm integration in HA, on the other side it would be just one more thing to consider and guard against attacks and intrusions… if someone hacks your HA it’s also in your house in that case…

And, i agree that app is terrible. New one (Evolution) is somewhat better (but not much), but sadly available only for some panels, not all. Also, old app can communicate directly with panel (via your ddns if you have it), while newer app is mandatory driven via tecnoalarm cloud, and this is prone to “not-functioning” if tecnoalarm could is down…

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I suspect that should be the case as well.
I quickly tried to run MITM proxy to intercept the traffic but I couldn’t see any traffic from the Tecnoalarm app.

Okay I was able to intercept the traffic but I can only see a bunch of hex which is probably encrypted :smile: not sure where to start trying to decrypt this

I have a TP8-64 panel that was installed in 2008 and I’m looking to replace it with a new panel (TP8-88 maybe?) mainly because we want to be able to control the panel via an app instead of a series of phone keys that we never manage to remember.

It would be a very nice plus if it could somehow be integrated with HA, at least to see whether it is armed or not and it would be a bonus if there was a way to turn it on also via HA. From the explanations above from Pavel, I understand that this should be doable with ESP if the installer programs the outputs and inputs accordingly.

I saw in the brochure of the TP8-88 panel that it also works with Alexa. On the page of the Tecnoalarm Alexa skill , it is mentioned that “You can ask Alexa to activate the alarm or ask the status of a control panel”. Could this then mean that it will show up in HA via the Alexa integration, without the need for an ESP module?

Home Assistant can control Tecnoalarm using Alexa Tecnoalarm skill.
An Echo device is needed.

  1. In the Tecnoalarm app connect the alarm to Alexa (I’m using myTecnoalarm app)

  2. Open Alexa app on the phone, install Tecnoalarm skill and test it. Before next step be sure you can control your alam with Alexa

  3. Install Alexa Media player integration in HA

  4. Send the command via script:

alias: Disable alarm
  - service: media_player.play_media
      media_content_id: Disable alarm with code XXXX
      media_content_type: custom
        - media_player.eco
mode: single

The “media_content_id” can be different, anyway is the one that is working with Alexa
The code XXXX is not your alarm code, it’s given in the Alexa app.

Alexa gives you a confirmation via Echo every time you run the script.
Unfortunately the voice feedback cannot be turned off.

Is that safe? I don’t know, but you are exposing your alarm to Alexa and to HA.


Many thanks for the info.

For security reasons, it’s not great that the alarm can be disabled via Alexa. :astonished:

Ideally, it should be limited to turning on and asking for the status.

First post on the forum, please be gentle :smile:


I have a TecnoAlarm system (TP20-440) and I use the “myTecnoAlarm TCS” app (the grey one that looks like it’s from the 70s), necessary for connecting through Alexa.
I want to expand on what @yashijoe briefly wrote.


Integrate my wired alarm system with Apple Home.


  1. TecnoAlarm system compatible with Alexa
  2. An Alexa device (Echo) or a smartphone with the “Alexa” app installed
  3. HACS (free HA Community Store) in your HA setup


  1. Install the TecnoAlarm skill on your Alexa device.
    It will ask you to log in (same as the app) and to set a 4-digit code (only needed to disable the alarm)

  2. Through the myTecnoalarm TCS app, enable integration with Alexa.
    Enable programs for “at home”, “away”, and “night” modes.

  3. Install the free Alexa Media Player integration via HACS > Integrations panel.
    Follow the guide in the wiki for configuration.
    (only the first two points “Enable Two Factor Authentication for your Amazon account” and “Built-in 2FA App” are needed)

  4. Add the Alexa Media Player integration from Settings > Devices and Services in HA.
    Log in with your Amazon account.

  5. Add scripts to enable and disable the alarm

# file: scripts.yaml
  alias: Enable alarm | at home
  - service: media_player.play_media
      media_content_id: Enable <device-name>
      media_content_type: custom
      entity_id: media_player.this_device
  icon: mdi:alarm-light
  mode: single

  alias: Enable alarm | away
  - service: media_player.play_media
      media_content_id: Change <device-name> to mode away
      media_content_type: custom
      entity_id: media_player.this_device
  icon: mdi:alarm-light
  mode: single

  alias: Disable alarm
  - service: media_player.play_media
      media_content_id: Disable <device-name> with code XXXX
      media_content_type: custom
      entity_id: media_player.this_device
  icon: mdi:alarm-light-off
  mode: single
  • <device-name>: Use the device name found in the Tecnoalarm/Alexa App (mine was “Alarm Villa Praga” as in myTecnoalarm TCS app)
  • You can use two commands to enable the alarm: enable which selects the default mode (home) and change with the mode (home, away and night).

WARNING! Test the commands in the Alexa app first!

  • target.entity_id: represents the device to issue the command on. You can use media_player.this_device which is automatically configured by the integration or another Alexa device on which you will always have audio feedback on the commands.
  1. [optional] Install Alarmo from HACS > Integrations for an easy configuration of an alarm interface for HA.
    (of course, it can also be configured manually).

  2. Configure automations to communicate the scripts with Alarmo.

# file: automations.yaml
- id: enable_alarmo_home
  alias: Enable alarm (home)
  - platform: state
    - alarm_control_panel.alarmo
    from: disarmed
    to: armed_home
  - service: script.alarm_enable_home
  mode: single

- id: enable_alarmo_away
  [...] # same as above, but
    from: arming
    to: armed_away
  - service: script.alarm_enable_away
  mode: single

- id: change_alarmo_to_home
  alias: Change alarm to home
  - platform: state
    - alarm_control_panel.alarmo
    from: armed_away
    to: armed_home
  - service: script.alarm_disable
  - service: script.alarm_enable_home
  mode: single

- id: change_alarmo_to_away
  [...] # same as above, but
    from: armed_home
    to: armed_away
  - service: script.alarm_disable
  - service: script.alarm_enable_away

- id: disable_alarmo
  alias: Disabilita allarme [alarmo]
  - platform: state
    - alarm_control_panel.alarmo
    to: disarmed
  - service: script.alarm_disable
  mode: single
  • the from state depends on how Alarmo is configured (can be arming or disarmed). Default settings has an arming time of 1 minute when change the alarm to away and no time of activation for home mode.
  • when changing from a mode to another (without disable the alarm first) you need to manually disable the alarm first, because the Skill doesn’t support changing mode when active
  1. [optional] Use HomeKit Bridge to integrate the alarm in Apple Home.


I hope this has been helpful in some way, as I’ve been struggling for a month trying to integrate this alarm and make it smart. Of course, the question remains “is it safe to expose the alarm to these devices?” I leave the answer to different situations.

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Hi Mattia,

Last year I was able to decrypt calls from my tecnoalarm app and replicate something using postman.

I’m totally new in home assistant but I think it’s possible to build an integration, Unfortunately I have very few time for this project but I’d like to recover it.

Setting up a Git with all you find can leave some precious information for someone familiar on HA plugin :wink:

Well… I have to find a little bit of time to recover all information I had discovered :grimacing:

Anyhow my panel should be TP42 (or TP10-42, is it the same?)

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I’ve got the app set up, if I can help somehow meddling with tcpdump and network tracing just ask and I’ll try.

OK, let’s start :sweat_smile:

I created a dedicated thread under “Share your projects!” → “Custom Integrations”
Custom Integration: Tecnoalarm Italian anti-theft system to track it better

The TecnoAlarm Alexa skill stopped working on October 31st.
As of today, it still doesn’t work.
The support service, which I urge you to contact, has not yet replyed to me.

[email protected]

:wave: Hey @Mirmanero apologies but I’ve not logged in the forum in a long time.
I usually look at HomeAssistant either during Christmas holidays or summer holidays where I have more free time :smile:
I’m glad to hear that you were able to find out more. I’ve joined the Telegram group to discuss there :eyes:
Merry Xmas everyone :christmas_tree: