Custom Integration: Tecnoalarm Italian anti-theft system


I have a tecnoalarm TP10-42 “smart” system that can be controlled using “myTecnoalarm TCS” app.
Tecnoalarm provides Alexa Tecnoalarm Skill but I have no Alexa device and I’d like to integrate directly into Home Assistant.

Using Android studio + HTTP Toolkit I was able to capture and decrypt https communication generated by app. :sunglasses: so I think that could be tecnically possible to create a custom integration.

Note: I’m totally new in home assistant, this kind of activity have some legal impact?

Note2: there was another thread related to tecnoalarm but it was focused to hardware part: Tecnoalarm Homeassistant integration

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Hi @Mirmanero! Any updates on this? Do you have created a GitHub repo?