I have two automations that turn on my basement fan when my thermostat detects the temperature is over 70, and turns it off when it goes under. I have minimal conditions, namely that it only turns on when the outdoor temp is >68 and it only turns it off when the outdoor temp is <70
For some reason, it’s not working consistently - and I can’t figure out how to troubleshoot it.
Here are the two YAMLs:
alias: Turn On basement fan when > 70
description: Turns on the outlet when the indoor temperature is 70°F or more
- platform: numeric_state
- sensor.family_room_temperature
above: 69.8
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: weather.forecast_home
attribute: temperature
above: 68
- type: turn_on
device_id: 9ca8e4a11be4876c42256d99bb9b6157
entity_id: 7489520a46e4c4f785d034b020f03a37
domain: switch
mode: single
alias: Turn off Basement Fan when < 70
description: ""
- platform: numeric_state
- climate.family_room
attribute: current_temperature
below: 69.8
- platform: numeric_state
- sensor.family_room_temperature
below: 69.8
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: weather.forecast_home
attribute: temperature
below: 70
- condition: device
type: is_on
device_id: 9ca8e4a11be4876c42256d99bb9b6157
entity_id: 7489520a46e4c4f785d034b020f03a37
domain: switch
- type: turn_off
device_id: 9ca8e4a11be4876c42256d99bb9b6157
entity_id: 7489520a46e4c4f785d034b020f03a37
domain: switch
mode: single
Multiple times now I’ve checked my dashboard and the temperatures SHOULD have triggered this, but for some reason haven’t - and times like this morning that Traces say it triggered, yet the fan is not on - and the dashboard doesn’t see it on - so it SHOULD have re-triggered (I’ve validated their state = 0 so they’re not stuck)
The thing that really confuses me is that it HAS worked properly, so i feel like it should either always work or always not work.
So my question is two fold: How can I troubleshoot this, and does anyone see something obvious I’m missing.
With troubleshooting, my hope was to somehow trace what happens each time my temps update and find out why it isn’t triggering - but that’s my other frustration, i can’t figure out how to even see the refresh period of my Nest integration.
Note: I really SHOULD get some z-wave or other actual temp sensors rather than relying on cloud systems - my goal for 2024 is to get as much off of the cloud as possible, but I’ve sadly invested a lot into ‘cloud’ technology so either have to possibly flash things to local only, or possibly setup some sort of API interceptor that I can use to fake out systems into thinking they’re talking to the cloud (Or, buy new everything which the CFO might not approve of, lovely wife though she may be)