Template binary sensor and on_change

I have a QS-WIFI-S04-2C and integrated it as already documented here:

However, on power on the device sets the outputs to ON which I do not like. I want to use it for a cover and don’t want the cover to open / close on a power loss.

So I investigated, the device is able to beep and I also added some logs:

# Duty cycle sensors for switch inputs "S1"
  - platform: duty_cycle
    pin: GPIO13
    internal: true
    id: ${short_name}_in_switch1_sensor
    name: "${short_name} Switch 1 Sensor"
    update_interval: 20ms

# Template binary switch sensors monitor duty cycle sensors on GPIO pins.
  - platform: template
    id: ${short_name}_switch_1
    name: "${friendly_name} Switch 1"
    internal: true
    lambda: |-
      if (id(${short_name}_in_switch1_sensor).state < 95.0) {
        ESP_LOGD("cover", "1: True");
        return true;
      } else {
        ESP_LOGD("cover", "1: false");
        return false;
        - output.turn_on: buzzer
        - delay: 250ms
        - output.turn_off: buzzer
        - light.toggle: ${short_name}_1

I expected the duty cycle sensor to produce a wrong state at startup, but the logging shows that this is not the case. Instead I get a beep on every boot which shows that on_click is triggered on boot even if the lambda is false.

To solve this I implemented a wait time of 1s until the device accepts input (a hack ?):

  • defined a global variable wait_on_init, initialised with false
  • set it to true 1s after boot
  • do not accept on_click or duty_cylce changes when wait_on_init is false
    priority: -100
      - delay: 1s
      - lambda: 'id(wait_on_init) = true;'

  - id: wait_on_init
    type: bool
    restore_value: no

  - platform: template
    id: ${short_name}_switch_1
    name: "${friendly_name} Switch 1"
    internal: true
    lambda: |-
      if (id(wait_on_init) == false) {
          return false;
      } else {
        if (id(${short_name}_in_switch1_sensor).state < 95.0) {
          return true;
        } else {
          return false;
        - if:
              lambda: 'return id(wait_on_init) == true;'
              - light.toggle: ${short_name}_1

The first if in the lambda is not needed, the if in the on_click handler solves the problem. So now my question: why is the on_click handler triggered on power up and how would you avoid this? Is my solution ok? I would like to understand what is going on here.