Template - pulling values of NWS Alerts integration

I’m using the NWS Alerts integration, and I’m using template entries to pull some of the date out of the exposed fields. Like this:

   - name: "NWS Alert Type"    
      state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.nws_alerts', 'title') }}"
    - name: "NWS Alert Text"
      state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.nws_alerts', 'spoken_desc') }}"
    - name: "NWS Alert Expires"
      state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.nws_alerts', 'event_expires') }}"

Those all work fine …

However, there is a field called “display_desc” that exposes a LOT of data. This morning we had a fog advisory so it had all of this data which I pulled using:

{{ state_attr('sensor.nws_alerts', 'display_desc') }} 
Status: Actual
Message Type: Alert
Severity: Moderate
Certainty: Observed
Expires: 2022-09-16T09:30:00-04:00
Description: Locally dense fog can be expected through mid morning with
visibilities reduced to below a half mile at times.

Motorists should slow down and be prepared for a sudden reductions
in visibility. If traveling, be prepared to take a few extra
minutes on your morning commute. Conditions are expected to
improve by 10 AM.
Instruction: None

Within that, what I want is the “Description:”

I tried doing:

{{ state_attr('sensor.nws_alerts', 'display_desc', 'Description') }}

But it doesn’t allow 4 fields … only 3.

How can I further filter upon that block of text?

To make matters worse, the alert fields all clear at the expire time of course, so I can’t test now.

Thank you!

Incidentally, these are the fields available as output from the integration:

attribution: Data provided by Weather.gov
title: null
event_id: null
message_type: null
event_status: null
event_severity: null
event_expires: null
display_desc: null
spoken_desc: null
icon: mdi:alert
friendly_name: National Weather Service Alerts