Additionally is there a way to add SSHPASS or a similar package that allows you to pass the password via the shell to the HA instance as the Remote loses the ssh-keys at restart, WD does not have a persistent home directory and entware is also a hit and miss.
But could I get it as a single entity, i.e. combining the two actions? Having the turn_on using the WOL switch and the on using command_line, or does it need to be two single entities? Can you combine the two entities into one then?
Yes. That is exactly what I (apparently poorly) described.
The WoL switch uses the WoL magic packet to turn the switch on, and the turn_off option of the WoL switch is specified as your command_line command. So something like this:
- platform: wake_on_lan
name: "NAS"
mac: "00:90:a9:e1:70:fe" # used to turn on the switch with a magic packet
turn_off: command.switch_nas_off # used to turn off the switch
host: <nas_ip_address_here> # used to get the state of the NAS in case something outside HA turns it on or off
Got that, thanks @tom_l , however then it would present itself as two entities, right? switch.nas switch.switch_nas_off
Could this be then either
consolidated the above two switches into a single entity? (end state is 3 entities Switch On, Off, and template switch calling the two entities with homeassistant.turn_off and homeassistant.turn_on
or combined into single switch without the need to create 3 different entities?
Thanks @tom_l , works like a charm almost… I still need to find a way to either set a persistent home directory to retain the authorized_keys or pass a password via the command line without the expect command in the home assistant instance.
Here is the final working example had to modify the turn_off section a bit:
- platform: wake_on_lan
name: "NAS"
mac: "00:90:a9:e1:70:fe" # used to turn on the switch with a magic packet
service: shell_command.switch_nas_off # used to turn off the switch
host: # used to get the state of the NAS in case something outside HA turns it on or off
If it wasn’t figured out yet… You can add the specific key you wish to use as an ‘-i’ flag in your ssh command, for example in my case:
“ssh -i /config/keys/hasskey user@ip …” → you can then store your key in your regular hass config directory which you should keep persistent anyway.