I updated mine as well today. I updated to 2021.4.6 and was given the same issue. I rolled back to 2021.4.4 and it is still Unavailable. I do not have 2FA turned on. Not sure if the token on Tesla’s side has broken again like it did a few months ago.
Stopped working, deleted integration, reinstalled, refused credentials, no 2fa
Same issue here. No 2FA, but credentials are refused with Unknown error occurred
Same here.
Running 2021.4.6 and all entities were “unavailible”, I deleted the Tesla integration, rebooted HA, trying to add the Tesla integration again but get “Unknown error occured”.
Same situation with me. No 2fa.
same for me
+1 same problem here! no 2FA or other changes lately
Do we know if anyone is working on this? I use this integration a lot and have included it in several automations. Wish I was skilled enough to help.
I can see that some of the Auth core code was updated 14 days ago. Hopefully it is going thought the dev/beta cycles and we will get it back.
I too use in several automations - especially switching on/off the charging at low/high rates with Octopus Agile which is a really money saver
+1 same problem here, no 2FA and running 2021.4.6. tried removing the integration and adding again> “unknown error”
+1. Was working. Updated HA. Doesn’t work. Seen the tuplet error. Seen the unavailable. No 2FA
I noticed the HA Twitter account addressing Elon to get some cooperation, so i guess work is being done, but progress is not helped by Tesla: https://twitter.com/home_assistant/status/1385647327185031168
+1 same problem for me. Was working perfectly until last night when I was in the process of updating HA. I was on 2121.4.2 and the integration went down even before I updated. Seemed like just the act of rebooting my server took down the integration. Updated to 2021.4.6 and it’s still not working. Removed the integration and adding it back again also gives me the “unknown error”.
Same for me - 2021.4.6 killed the integration.
The Tesla issue is being fixed over here: Problems with login from Home Assistant - http 403 · Issue #190 · zabuldon/teslajsonpy · GitHub
Turns out that there are some timing issues unique to the aiohttp library which the integration relies on, so they’ve swapped over to a different library called httpx. Core issue seems to be resolved now. May be days/weeks until it gets picked up in the next HA update (?)
Thanks for digging in more and fingered crossed we will get it back.
I miss the Tesla integration as I managed to get a NedRed flow working well that looked at Octopus Agile rates and my Tesla range and picked the best times (sometimes just grabbing 30 mins) for charging only when less than 11p per kWH.
It was great to just plug in my M3 and leave it knowing I only charged at low rates
For me this is what Home Automation is all about
If you use Node-Red, you can also use node-red-contrib-tesla to get the state and control the charging.
Also only works without 2FA disabled by the way.
As a workaround I am accessing my teslafi account via their WebAPI, which is working well and provides similar detail to the native Tesla Integration.
Bikey - Thanks for that idea! I got the node-red-contrib-tesla working very quickly and I will do the job maybe better !