Testers wanted - Netatmo integration

Multiple integrations is gone…

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2020-07-09 17:20:05 DEBUG (SyncWorker_5) [custom_components.netatmo.pyatmo.auth] addwebhook: {'status': 'ok', 'time_exec': 0.10138201713562012, 'time_server': 1594308005}
2020-07-09 17:20:05 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.netatmo] Register Netatmo webhook: https://hooks.nabu.casa/Nice=
2020-07-09 17:20:06 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.netatmo.webhook] Got webhook data: {'user_id': 'niceuser', 'user': {'id': 'niceid', 'email': 'nicemail'}, 'push_type': 'webhook_activation'}
2020-07-09 17:20:06 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.netatmo.data_handler] Netatmo webhook successfully registered

When last two messages are missing in log the user is banned?
Then this was the problem. (after i unbanned it in dev.netatmo it worked and i get the lights and events…)

Is there a possibility to check if the user is banned? And rise a event?

The banning must be happen when HA is restarting.

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Unfortunately the API does not provide that information. The unban should only happen when HA is not shut down correctly as far as I can tell.

I added the services to unregister/register the webhook back in. So, the next time your netatmo camera light becomes unavailable it should be enought to unregister the webhook, unban your webhook at dev.netatmo.com and register again. After that the light should become available without restarting HA.

I installed it, and will try. thx!

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the only thing I can get to work is camera. on / off

am i doing something wrong?

Can you please give some more details? What are you trying, what is the expected outcome and what isn’t working?


Disable camera ?

turn on some light when car / people detection ?



Do you get any errors? Did you set /local/ on your whitelist_external_dirs/allowlist_external_dirs?

error could not call… image

where and how do it make the whitelist?

That is not implemented. Just turn off the camera. It makes no difference for Netatmo.

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Yesterday I installed Netatmo integration for the first time just to get access to public data (this one from HACS)

I want to report a few things:

  1. Renaming entities works, but after some while all entities return to their initial names. Seems like a bug, don’t know either HA or the integration one.
  2. watching time of the last change, all entities are updated independently except of rain sensor. if it changes value, all other sensors got last changed time updated. It might be coincidence, might be a rule but also result of some hidding issue.
  3. Would be nice to be able to redefine a zone data are collected from. I saw coordinates at time of adding integration, but at that time I wasn’t aware enough. Also would be nice to see a map or so.
  4. When adding integration, the popup to add zone name appear. It contain 2 GUI elements. TBH it took me a longer while to figure out, that this first GUI item is empty drop box which I have to ignore and I need to enter name into text field which is the second item. Not too intuitive.

BTW Rain information appears to be pretty delayed (even 10 mins after rain started). I can see on the map several Netatmo rain sensors in neighborhood. Likely not the integration fault. I just expected the data to be more up-to-date

Anyway, thanks for your work.

Hi @maxym, thanks for the feedback.

  1. This is a bug. I’ll take a look.
  2. I’ll take a look, but if the data does not change then the timestamp will stay the same.
  3. You can do that. Just enter the name of the area and you can edit the details.
  4. I know that the UX is not optimal. This will improve in the future. I’ll try to improve the docs on that topic to work around it.

The weather data is only updated every 10 minutes according to the API documentation. So, nothing I can do about it. Fresh data is only fetched every 10 minutes per sensor, also to work within the API request limits.

Thank you @cgtobi for quick answer.
I can confirm #3. It’s a bit counter-intuitive but works :slight_smile:

Two more questions:

  1. is it possible to set different aggregate functions for different sensors? Or it’s API limitation?
  2. speaking about map… what does ‘show on map’ checkbox mean/do?

with regards

Great. It will improve in the future, a map picker is planned.

  1. Do you mean avg or max? Yes.
  2. If checked it will show the sensor on the map.

ad1. yes -> it is possible or it is limited by Netatmo API?
ad2. What map do you mean? i’m not aware I’ve seen any.

thank you.

  1. no it’s not limited by the API. Do you have any specific in mind?
  2. the map in the left side navigation panel https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/map/

ad1. I had idea it would be usefull to have insight to maximum gust values while wind itself could be avaraged. just the random though

ad2. still I’m not sure. No map is displaying on my end when setting up the integration, regardless the checkbox state

  1. I’ll think about it.
  2. have you configured map as per the docs?

@maxym the renaming bug is fixed in the latest (a664cff) pre-release via HACS.