Testers wanted - Netatmo integration

Thanks, I’ll take a look ASAP.

Maybe as additional information, I had only one time where the lights was working. After HA reboot the lights are still grey and get the same msg in log, as above.

Can you please set the log level to debug and report the output? Please be careful with sensible data in the logs.

I added:

   default: warning
     homeassistant.components.netatmo: debug
     custom_components.netatmo: debug

After reboot (and I rebootet many times) no more issues. Also after remove of logger cfg. If there will be new issues I will report.

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For the record, public weather sensors were just added to the custom component.

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I only use this integration for the public weather sensors in my area and it works great!

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Out of curiosity, did you use the HA Cloud Link?

I think so. :slight_smile:
It opened a link to Netatmo, registered a new account and HA Cloud came back it was successful.

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020-07-09 14:46:55 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.light] Platform netatmo not ready yet. Retrying in 60 seconds.

I logged this, but no additional error.

Can you double check if your webhook is banned if the lights and cameras are not working?

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity_platform.py", line 178, in _async_setup_platform
    await asyncio.wait_for(asyncio.shield(task), SLOW_SETUP_MAX_WAIT)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/asyncio/tasks.py", line 442, in wait_for
    return fut.result()
  File "/config/custom_components/netatmo/climate.py", line 170, in async_setup_entry
    async_add_entities(await get_entities(), True)
  File "/config/custom_components/netatmo/climate.py", line 164, in get_entities
    for home_id, home_data in (data_handler.data[data_class].homes.items())
KeyError: 'HomeData'

This is an error I received, perhaps useful…

Do you own any Netatmo devices?

Nope, that’s why I meantioned earlier that I only use it for public weather sensors. :wink:

Thanks, I was just double checking.

I pushed a fix for the custom component (681f492). Please let me know if the error is gone now.

Multiple Integrations found, with both new versions today:

Is the problem with the lights a server issue?

I just pushed a fix for this.

All is working, camera, weather, webhook in debug log is not banned.
Except light.

Is the webhook event stuff working?