Testing the new AccuWeather integration

temperature: 22
humidity: 69
pressure: 1010
wind_bearing: 225
wind_speed: 5.2
visibility: 22.5
attribution: Data provided by AccuWeather

  • datetime: ‘2020-07-20T14:00:00+00:00’
    temperature: 80
    templow: 64
    precipitation: 0
    precipitation_probability: 0
    wind_speed: 6.9
    wind_bearing: 227
    condition: sunny
  • datetime: ‘2020-07-21T14:00:00+00:00’
    temperature: 81
    templow: 63
    precipitation: 0
    precipitation_probability: 0
    wind_speed: 6.9
    wind_bearing: 246
    condition: sunny
  • datetime: ‘2020-07-22T14:00:00+00:00’
    temperature: 78
    templow: 60
    precipitation: 0
    precipitation_probability: 0
    wind_speed: 6.9
    wind_bearing: 227
    condition: sunny
  • datetime: ‘2020-07-23T14:00:00+00:00’
    temperature: 77
    templow: 60
    precipitation: 0
    precipitation_probability: 0
    wind_speed: 5.8
    wind_bearing: 227
    condition: partlycloudy
  • datetime: ‘2020-07-24T14:00:00+00:00’
    temperature: 78
    templow: 61
    precipitation: 0
    precipitation_probability: 0
    wind_speed: 5.8
    wind_bearing: 241
    condition: sunny
    friendly_name: weather.velador.accuweather

Mine looks basically the same.

temperature: 29
humidity: 42
pressure: 1015.2
wind_bearing: 293
wind_speed: 18.5
visibility: 16.1
attribution: Data provided by AccuWeather

  • datetime: ‘2020-07-20T11:00:00+00:00’
    temperature: 88
    templow: 65
    precipitation: 0
    precipitation_probability: 6
    wind_speed: 9
    wind_bearing: 274
    condition: sunny
  • datetime: ‘2020-07-21T11:00:00+00:00’
    temperature: 86
    templow: 67
    precipitation: 0.1
    precipitation_probability: 33
    wind_speed: 4
    wind_bearing: 193
    condition: sunny
  • datetime: ‘2020-07-22T11:00:00+00:00’
    temperature: 85
    templow: 68
    precipitation: 0.1
    precipitation_probability: 40
    wind_speed: 6
    wind_bearing: 246
    condition: lightning
  • datetime: ‘2020-07-23T11:00:00+00:00’
    temperature: 85
    templow: 61
    precipitation: 0.1
    precipitation_probability: 28
    wind_speed: 8.1
    wind_bearing: 280
    condition: partlycloudy
  • datetime: ‘2020-07-24T11:00:00+00:00’
    temperature: 83
    templow: 62
    precipitation: 0
    precipitation_probability: 6
    wind_speed: 5.8
    wind_bearing: 13
    condition: sunny
    friendly_name: AccuWeather 5 Day Outlook

Should be fixed in the current version.

Works now after updating!

Thank you for your work on this! Nice integration.

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Working for me now also. Thanks!

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its my first post. working great so far. if you make a lot of reboots you exceed the max api calls.

@Bieniu Just wanted to say thanks for your work. After one week, I can’t report any problems. :slight_smile: :+1: All is working as it should, I get the correct temperature and forecasts. All good, thanks again!

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Thanks. The integration will be available as official in HA 0.114.


Testing is complete. Thanks to everyone for your help. The integration will be available in HA 0.114.