Texas Residents: Access your Smart Meter Texas readings with Node-Red and MQTT

Of course. In node red, I would highly suggest you enable the debug logs on the nodes for credentials and the authentication. I can’t remember which node gave me my answer but I believe it was the node that returned an answer after retrieving data from the server. It said something like “meter number is incorrect” or something. Do note that you will have to keep the logs page open because I think they clear out when you close that page.

Well, some of it started working with me just not touching it over night. I still have 0s for “hourly” and “last hour”. Hopefully that will come around too.
I use Griddy, so even if i worked out a way to do the math, it wouldn’t be accurate with only being able to get an hourly read.
I definitely appreciate the work that went in to this.

Looking at my recorded data, their servers haven’t been very reliable today so some hours no reading is being returned. This will affect the hourly and last hour sensor but won’t affect overall readings since they will ‘catch up’ the next time a reading is returned.

I really wish they allowed for more granular data than one reading per hour too. I have a Rainforest Eagle paired to my meter which gives me a reading every 5 seconds, but it’s nice being able to get the data without extra hardware.

Same, i will try it!

This appears to be a great alternative to the SmartMeterTexas integration which right now is not working. However, so far I can’t get this working, either.

I have confirmed I have MQTT node is set up right - it shows connected to my MQTT server. I have also quadruple checked the Credentials node to make sure username, password, ESIID and meter number are correct (and no spaces). However, something is failing and my flow is not completing authentication. Here are the debug messages:

2/19/2021, 10:24:00 PM[node: Debug: Login] msg.payload : string[74]

"Error: read ECONNRESET : https://smartmetertexas.com/api/user/authenticate"

2/19/2021, 10:24:00 PM[node: Debug: Auth Token] msg.payload : string[16]

"bearer undefined"

2/19/2021, 10:25:00 PM[node: Debug: Read Meter] msg.payload : string[69]

"Error: read ECONNRESET : https://smartmetertexas.com/api/ondemandread"

Any suggestions?


I just tried this URL and it fails to work:

In light of recent events in Texas, maybe this is related.

Their servers have been down since Monday. Once the servers come back, it should begin working.

So is the use of www. prefix not used for API calls? Although that URL also fails for me, I have been logging in and checking things manually but now realize what has been working this week is https://www.smartmetertexas.com.

Thanks, I’ll check when things are more stable here.

It would appear that www must be included and may explain why the URL failed without it:

“Error: read ECONNRESET : https://smartmetertexas.com/api/ondemandread”

That’s a bit unusual because many web-site addresses can be resolved with or without the leading www but not this one.

The API is unresponsive with or without the www prefix for me and never required it before so I suspect it is an issue with their servers. Interestingly, the web site now will resolve either way again.

Been scratching my head about this one myself. I wonder if it has anything to do with the winter storm.

Hey, noticed you mentioned the rainforest eagle (200?). Was wondering if I could pick your brain regarding usefulness in a smart home scenario. Thanks in advance.

I’ve got an original Eagle but would be happy to discuss.

API appears to be working again for me as of last night. Messed up my stats by dumping all my usage since the outage in the first hour it came back on though.

How do I debug this to make sure working all my numbers are zero, I followed the readme instructions and set my cost kwh to .132

Changing url to www seems to have fixed it but all of my numbers are the same at the moment. I am assuming it doesn’t use past values?

EDIT: Scratch the below, I don’t exactly know what I did, but I’m receiving meter reads now.

So I’m curious if this is working for anyone currently. I tried setting this up tonight have not been able to get it to work correctly. However, I believe I have an issue in Node-Red (as I cannot seem to get any debug messages to come across on any of the debug nodes). I am admittedly new to Node-Red, but was able to get the .json file imported successfully and all appropriate values added (user/pass/meter number/etc.). I tried adding the “www” in each of the https-nodes, but this did not make a difference. I tried manual injections of each flow with all debug nodes turned on and still cannot get a debug message. I did try a timestamp inject just to make sure I didn’t have a config issue with node-red and this worked successfully.

Any thoughts or ideas of what to check would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.

Anyone else have an issue where a few hours of the day do not have values? Never seems to be consecutive hours just randomly missing 1 hour some times. Also, what entity are you guys putting in the Energy tab (I assume smt_energy_hourly?)

I have seen some mentions of additional api endpoints in some of the smt projects, does anyone have any info on getting the surplus generation value from a solar installation?

The on demand reading give the net between the grid and the solar and I can see my surplus generation on the SMT dashboard, I would love to have that in HA as well since I have my total generation from my solar integration.