Theengs compatible with 100 Bluetooth sensors

Theengs is proud to announce that its pioneering decoder is now compatible with 100 Bluetooth devices. This remarkable achievement underscores the pursuit of interoperability since the first integration of a Bluetooth plant sensor with an ESP32 in 2017.

Theengs’ journey began with a vision of creating a universally compatible ecosystem, a vision that has evolved and materialized into a robust polyvalent platform supporting 100 Bluetooth devices. From our mobile application to our gateways and hardware, we offer a choice of local first solutions demonstrating our commitment to interoperability and user choice.

In the coming weeks, Theengs will roll out updates across our solutions to integrate the new decoder release. Enabling our Home Assistant users to reach new use cases.

For more information about Theengs and to explore the solutions, please visit our website.


Is this an ad? How does this connect with HA? Also 100 bluetooth devices is nothing, there are literally thousands of devices running bluetooth by now.

  1. The goal of the post is to inform the community of this milestone regarding an open-source project connected with Home Assistant (third-party integration)

  2. The connection with Home Assistant is made with MQTT auto-discovery

  3. Is there a list of these thousands of devices running Bluetooth natively with Home Assistant ? I’m interested.

Reading through some of the forum threads, with requests for specific BLE devices’ implementations and features and participation of several HA users to achieve this, might just make it more comprehensible to you.

And if you have any insight on the remaining hundreds and thousands of bluetooth devices and how to decoder their bluetooth BLE advertising data for auto-discovery in HA, feel free to chip in.