Hi @kaizoor,
Thanks a lot, these helped in getting the temperature and humidity from the freely broadcast advertising data.
"servicedatauuid": "fd3d",
"servicedata": "770064",
"manufacturerdata": "6909f9666b959cea8b0305993200",
"id": "F9:66:6B:95:9C:EA",
"rssi": -64,
"mfr": "Woan Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd."
Your app results
- temperature: 25.5°C
- relative humidity: 50%
Decoded results with my current test decoder
{"brand":"SwitchBot","model":"Outdoor Meter","model_id":"W340001X","type":"THB","acts":true,"tempc":25.5,"tempf":77.9,"hum":50,"batt":100}
"servicedatauuid": "fd3d",
"servicedata": "770064",
"manufacturerdata": "6909f9666b959cea940b039a5000",
"id": "F9:66:6B:95:9C:EA",
"rssi": -71,
"mfr": "Woan Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd."
- temperature: 26.3°C
- relative humidity: 83%
{"brand":"SwitchBot","model":"Outdoor Meter","model_id":"W340001X","type":"THB","acts":true,"tempc":26.3,"tempf":79.34,"hum":80,"batt":100}
Slight difference on the humidity with 83% vs. 80%, but I really put that down to some slight capture changes.
The dew point, absolute humidity and vapour-pressure deficit I assume to be calculated in the actual app from the temperature and humidity, as seen in calculators like
Although there is still some broadcast data, which might indicate one of these, but nothing which indicates an obvious encoding so far. So for these additional calculated values to be directly accessible a solution like @david1994’s above, which accesses the app values though a SwitchBot account would be necessary. For a direct local broadcast solution these other values should/could be calculated in HA with the temperature and humidity.
Also for the battery I assumed the encoded data indicating a 100% charge, this might be confirmed at a later stage once the battery is lower and/or if confirmed with some older batteries in the device.
Submitting the new Decoder, so it will be included in the next Theengs Gateway/OpenMQTTGateway releases.
Thanks for your help and input in getting this included.