ThermIQ Integration to control Thermia and Danfoss heatpumps

Hi! I’m looking into measuring my heatpump’s electricity consumption. I see some values such as sensor.thermiq_mqtt_current_consumed_a, which lead me to the question – is it somehow possible to measure the current that the pump is consuming?

Otherwise, the most straightforward alternative would be buying a Shelly 3EM, but it’s €100+. Another alternative is building a 3-phase clamp power meter myself, but with shipping and import taxes, it doesn’t come to much more cheaper than getting a proven-to-work Shelly 3EM.

Hi Toomas,
That value is only valid if you have thermias expansion board and proper current transformers connected.

You can get a modus connected power meter for around 800 sek. Or just use the runtime multiplied with power of pump.

I have a new power meter in my house with a p1 interface providing digital readout of it’s values.


Yeah, I thought about using something like PowerCalc to estimate the consumption. I don’t have access to my smart meter, but I have the aforementioned Shelly 3EM, which gives very precise measurements of my whole house energy consumption, so I should be able to experimentally assign values to the flow pump, compressor and all other etc… percentage-based sensors and assign wattage values to them.

Do I have to reset the whole module to set correct timezone? I.e. there is no way to get in the control page after joining local network?

Is this time/timezone in thermiq just cosmetic thing, does it matter if it is in wrong time as I assume Home Assistant uses it’s own “time stamps” .

EDIT: Totally forgot how simple and easy it was to config. I assume, that I need to disconnect it from Thermia to do the initial config first (manual states “ThermIQ-MQTT needs to be
configured before connecting it to your heatpump”)? It might be good to time for me to change timezone at the same time, when I install the new improved room sensor :smile:

It’s not that complicated is it? :slight_smile:

It’s always safest to turn off the heatpump and disconnect the thermiq, might also be the easiest way to push those tiny buttons.

The timezone is used to set the timestamp in the mqtt message. It’s then up to the receiver to do something with it.

Please mail me once you have the new module connected as the needed firmware is not backwards compatible with the old module and might brick the unit.


If the ThermIQ integration does not work.
If the parameter “Mode” is missing and you cannot adjust the numeric parameters, you probably have one or more automations with incorrect code to create “Helpers” (input_number and Input_boolean).
If these “Helpers” are not configured correctly, they will stop working and also block ThermIQ when this integration is installed.

In my case, I had four Automations with incomplete/incorrect code that looked like below.


Number Helper

name: Hour
icon: mdi:timer
min: 0
max: 23
step: 1

name: Minute
icon: mdi:timer
min: 0
max: 55
step: 5

Boolean Helper

name: Heater RH On/Off

Delete or deselect everything related to “input_number:” and “input_boolean:” and save the changes.
Now create new Helpers with the same name via the Configuration/Units & Services/Helpers interface.
In my case I used “Number” and “Toggle”.
Then edit your Dashboard and check if you need to adjust the entity names of the Helpers you just created. Then restart HA.

The ThermIQ integration should now work and so should the Automations where you have created new Helpers yourself. If your own Automations don’t work, check that you have the correct entity names for the new Helpers.


MQTT looks like this. I do not know where can be seen does it write.
When problem started mode was first not able to find, but it was changed to the new name…

All sensor value are fine.

Please note that your ThermIQ’s configured nodename is:

And that the examples uses:

Both are ok, but please make sure you use the same…

This is changed in the config settings during the initial wifi-config. To go back, go to the reset menu and then re-configure.

When you do a write in HA you should see a new line in MQTT-Explorer like:

Yes i have ThermIQ/ThermIQ-mqtt-bb in my config, but it does not write anymore.

Is there any message in MQTT-Explorer when you write?

Have you checked HA logs for any error messages?

I am a bit new to HASS but have been using ThermIQ for many years, unfortunately I have the old USB device, I see that there is a way to convert to mqtt by using Node Red, is there any one here that have done that and can help with some questions?
I suppose that I need to install Node Red on the unit (raspberry PI) that runs ThermIQ today?

Tonight was the second time I awoke to a cold house due to the stopped heatpump. The pump is flashing “Alarm! I/O card error”. The thermIQ connection to home assistant is lost when this happens. The first time I unplugged the card from the pump and heard a “click”, indicating the pink was running again. The second time I mashed the two buttons and the pump clicked.

  1. Can you think of a way to alert once this happens? Winter is coming and I really wouldn’t like this to happen with -25°C outside. binary_sensor.thermiq_mqtt_alarm_indication_on never changes, as I believe no mqtt states are updated. I guess it’s down to examining thermIQ time recency?
  2. What would be the route to debugging this?

Have you remove the red wire between thermiq and the small interface board to the heatpump?

I hadn’t. Did it now. I’ll see how it behaves now. Created an automation with the following template trigger to warn if something is awry:

{{ as_timestamp(now()) | int - states('thermiq_mqtt.time') | int > 300 }}

The issue now, though, is that I’ve lost “write” ability from ThermIQ to the heatpump. It was seemingly working before I removed the red wire, but now it isn’t. I might have not tested that everything is working before the last update, though.

Hi Anders,

Since I have two HP I bought two units from you. Now before these arrive I try to prepare what I can.

Is there any specific to look after to make sure I have two instances running? Any specific I have to do to accomplish it, or is it like other integrations where I can do one install pr unit?

The thermiq integration is currently one instance only and you cannot run two. This can probably be overcome by “refactoring” it to two different integrations and changing the DOMAIn accordingly.

I’m currently working on a major refactoring, including adding a config_flow and multiple instances but timeframe is unclear

Hi! I’ve lost the ability of HA → ThermIQ control. ThermIQ to HA works. Whenever I change something in HA, I can’t see any MQTT messages using MQTT Explorer. And the next time there’s a ping from ThermIQ to MQTT, the HA values get overridden from the pump. I tried downgrading from 1.3.9 to 1.3.5 because I’m sure it worked on that version. The only other thing that I recently changed was to remove the 3V3 (red) wire from ThermIQ to the pump. Any thoughts on how to further debug it?

Sadly not a solution, but only a reference. Take a look at HA Intergration not sending MQTT · Issue #38 · ThermIQ/thermiq_mqtt-ha · GitHub , the issue is about the same problem. Although it is closed, it is not solved.

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Yes I am now experiencing the same issue. I follow the issue in GitHub and seems that more and more people realizing this problem. Not sure why it is marked as closed while it’s an ongoing issue. It’s currently working in a “read only” mode for some reason.


I’m looking into it. In the meantime I suggest reverting to the last know working release