Third reality motion sensor 3RMS16BZ

I have about 10 of these. They have been working pretty much flawlessly for about a year. There was a recent firmware update that changed to cool down time to 4 seconds. This just doesnt work… After a week or so, they put out another firmware. I was hoping this would fix things, but it didnt. all it did was seem to add about a 1 second delay between detection and reporting to HA.
Does anyone know if there is a way to adjust these 2 settings?

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Might be in Z2m. Not sure about ZHA.
You might get a better answer if you state how you are connected to them.

ZHA, but willing to set up Z2m on another network to solve the issue…

Did you get them from Amazon? If so try to write them and ask if there is a parameter you can change to set that value. They are fairly responsive there, or. you can open a ticket on Contact us – 3reality but they aren’t as responsive.

I sent a message to support a few days ago. Ill try Amazon

I worked with them fairly extensively to fix their smart plugs when a firmware update really screwed them up and they were very accommodating and updated the firmware to fix the problem.

I cant find on Amazon where to send them a message.

Go to your order and click product support, you’ll have to answer a few Amazon questions and it’ll send your message to them. They are in China so expect a couple days to get back to you.

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The product support option isnt there. I just have Feedback, Leave a review and archive order.
I see that button on a few of my other orders.

I’m not sure what to tell you. If I open a product I purchased from them, even a while back, I’ll see it on the order and on the product page:

You can also click on their name on the product and send them a message there.


I was looking in my order history. I see that now on the product page but I get this when clicking support.

Z2M has a tab where similar things that get imported can be set-up. Your parameter might show up here. I don’t have one so I don’t know. This is a water hose valve to turn a hose on and off, and it has a parameter setting for the odd countdown parameter. (for instance)

I don’t know if there are similar ZHA places for odd settings.


I am having the same issue. I use these to turn on stair lights and the delay is so long that I am half way up/down before the light comes on. It would be nice if HA had a roll-back feature for firmware updates. I don’t see a way to change settings in HA to fix this.


Im going to order another zigbee coordinator so I can get Z2mqtt up and running just so I can see if there are any adjustments possible there. I was hoping someone already running it would chime in.

So I noticed this also and yet another firmware update seems to have pushed the update period to 0 seconds with a 4 second recovery (per their documentation). I would guess this went to nil somehow with the update.

  1. If the value set 15,state from detected to clear needs (15+4)sec.The motion sensor has a detection time of 4 seconds, from the end of the detection time, after which it starts to count 15 seconds

I located their github here: GitHub - thirdreality/homeassistant

According to the readme there is supposed to be a few clusters in ZHA that allow for configuration:

The main point of interest is here, which doesn’t seem to exist so far as I can tell:

Even upon activating the quirks (which maybe I did wrong somehow?) these clusters do not appear in ZHA. I have not found how to configure this but have opened an issue on their github that seems to have gotten no attention. They are actively pushing commits though.

It would be super chill if everyone having this issue would join me on their github where my issue is posted. :slight_smile: Though to be honest I don’t know if they are paying attention.

I also just left a 2 star review on Amazon. Maybe that will get some attention…

I take it you cant see this cluster either?

I havent had the time to test. Probably will today. I think for users that just want to plug and play, these latest firmware releases make these unusable.

Oh I don’t agree with that really. If anything shorter durations are more flexible they just don’t preserve battery life all that well. I don’t consider this update to be world shattering - just annoying.

Just add a duration to any triggers related to the motion sensor switching on (I’ve done 26 seconds on mine to make it match the 30s of my other sensors).