Do you want this for automation purposes or just a pretty graph?
Thank you very much for sharing your YAML-Code. Helped me out a lot.
While playing around with the API i found, that there is a “price_level” for the price with the following states:
The price is greater than 90 % and smaller than 115 % compared to average price.
The price is greater than 60 % and smaller or equal to 90 % compared to average price.
The price is smaller or equal to 60 % compared to average price.
The price is greater or equal to 115 % and smaller than 140 % compared to average price.
The price is greater or equal to 140 % compared to average price.
I reused your REST-sensor and modified it, so that i get the price level. YAML-code is like this:
# Tibber Preislevel
- platform: rest
unique_id: tibber_price_level
name: Tibber Price Level
method: POST
payload: '{ "query": "{ viewer { homes { currentSubscription { status priceInfo { current { level } today { level } tomorrow { level } } } } } }" }'
json_attributes_path: "$[0].currentSubscription.priceInfo"
- today
- tomorrow
value_template: "{{[0].currentSubscription.priceInfo.current.level }}"
scan_interval: 30
Authorization: !secret tibber_token
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: REST
The sensor gives the price_level as actual state and for today and tomorrow in the attributes.
At the moment i only use this for the following markdown-card:
type: markdown
content: |-
{% if states("sensor.tibber_price_level") == "NORMAL" %}
<ha-alert alert-type="info" title="Preislevel"> Das aktuelle Preislevel ist **normal**.</ha-alert>
{% elif states("sensor.tibber_price_level") == "CHEAP" %}
<ha-alert alert-type="success" title="Preislevel"> Das aktuelle Preislevel ist **günstig**.</ha-alert>
{% elif states("sensor.tibber_price_level") == "VERY_CHEAP" %}
<ha-alert alert-type="success" title="Preislevel"> Das aktuelle Preislevel ist **sehr günstig**.</ha-alert>
{% elif states("sensor.tibber_price_level") == "EXPENSIVE" %}
<ha-alert alert-type="warning" title="Preislevel"> Das aktuelle Preislevel ist **teuer**.</ha-alert>
{% elif states("sensor.tibber_price_level") == "VERY_EXPENSIVE" %}
<ha-alert alert-type="error" title="Preislevel"> Das aktuelle Preislevel ist **sehr teuer**.</ha-alert>
{% endif %}
Has anyone here found a way to get the “minTotal” and “maxTotal”-values for “today” and “tomorrow” and mixed this with the “hourly”-list in the attributes of a home assistant entity?
I have no idea how to get “minTotal” and “maxTotal” into the JSON-String. I´m looking for a way to do it like this:
viewer {
homes {
currentSubscription {
priceInfo {
today {
minTotal <- not included in "today"
maxTotal <- not included in "today"
tomorrow {
minTotal <- not included in "tomorrow"
maxTotal <- not included in "tomorrow"
Hi there. Just wanted to say Thank you to you for this thread and your posts. It helped me out a lot to do a better start with tibber and home assistant.
I´ve created a custom-card to display my tibber prices, consumption and costs. It looks like this:
May you share your code? Looks very nice and would give me and maybe some other a good inspiration.
And it looks like you’re using an automation to charge your house battery from the grid. Maybe you can share this, too?
I just creates a dashboard where I have to setup charging the battery from the grid on each day (semi-manually).
Sure, no problem.
The Card uses the following components:
- Tabbed-Card (HACS)
- Apex-Charts-Card (HACS)
- Stack-in-a-Card (HACS)
- Uptime-Card (HACS)
- Mushroom-Card HACS)
- Multiscrape-Integration (HACS)
- Markdown-Card
YAML-Code for the Card and Sensors
- YAML-Code for the Card
- YAML-Code for the Weekly Forecast Card
- Sensors for price preview and price level
- Multiscrape-Sensors for price forecast
For this you need:
- Utility-Meters for Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly Consumption and Costs (based on the Sensors from the Tibber-Integration)
- A Template Sensor that shows the price-range from min to max on that day (see below)
- A template Sensor that shows how close the current price is the max-today price in percent (see below)
- 4 template sensors for the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly cost per kwh (see below)
- a switch-entity from your home-battery to turn on/off charging (to charge energy when it is cheap)
- a sensors that knows if it is before 13:00 (1pm) to show a message, that the prices for tomorrow will come after 1pm (see below)
- input-boolean that shows if your home battery should charge or not
- an automation to charge energy into your home-battery when price level is cheap or very cheap (see below)
You can setup the template sensors via UI as “helpers”. Here is the state-template for the sensors:
- price-range
{{ ((state_attr("sensor.electricity_price_wester_esch_26b","max_price") | float(default=0) - state_attr("sensor.electricity_price_wester_esch_26b","min_price") | float(default=0)) * 100) | round(1) }}
- how close is the current price to the max price in percent
{{ (((states("sensor.electricity_price_wester_esch_26b") | float(default=0) - state_attr("sensor.electricity_price_wester_esch_26b","min_price") | float(default=0)) / (state_attr("sensor.electricity_price_wester_esch_26b","max_price") | float(default=0) - state_attr("sensor.electricity_price_wester_esch_26b","min_price") | float(default=0))) * 100) | round(0) }}
daily, weekly, monthly and yearly costs per kwh (replace “daily” with “weekly”, “monthly” or “yearly”)
{{ (states("sensor.tibber_kosten_daily") | float(default=0) / states("sensor.tibber_verbrauch_daily") | float(default=0) * 100) | float(default=0) }}
Sensor that knows if it is before 13h (1pm)
Input-Boolean (Helper) that show if the home battery should be charged or not
The automation does the following things:
IF price-level changes to “cheap” or “very cheap”
AND IF home battery is below 95% charge AND the expected remaining solar energy today is lower then the capacity of the home battery
THEN start charging your home battery
ELSE IF price-level changes to “normal”, “expensive” or “very expensive”
OR home battery is above 95% charge
THEN stop charging your home battery
alias: Tibber - Speicher günstig laden
description: ""
- platform: state
- sensor.tibber_price_level
id: sehr günstig
- platform: state
- sensor.tibber_price_level
id: günstig
- platform: state
- sensor.tibber_price_level
id: normal
- platform: state
- sensor.tibber_price_level
id: teuer
- platform: state
- sensor.tibber_price_level
id: sehr teuer
- platform: numeric_state
- sensor.senec_battery_charge_percent
above: 95
id: Speicher ist voll
condition: []
- choose:
- conditions:
- condition: trigger
- Speicher ist voll
- normal
- teuer
- sehr teuer
- service: input_boolean.turn_off
entity_id: input_boolean.tibber_speicher_laden
data: {}
- type: turn_off
device_id: ba6662be81284ab19a7ff2a25d6c1c64
entity_id: 4938b65e9c7938a7bfebb628361a12fb
domain: switch
enabled: true
- conditions:
- condition: trigger
- sehr günstig
- günstig
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.senec_battery_charge_percent
below: 95
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.solar_restproduktion_heute
below: 5
- service: input_boolean.turn_on
entity_id: input_boolean.tibber_speicher_laden
data: {}
- type: turn_on
device_id: ba6662be81284ab19a7ff2a25d6c1c64
entity_id: 4938b65e9c7938a7bfebb628361a12fb
domain: switch
enabled: true
mode: single
Love it. That’s not far what I’m planning to do.
Gives me a lot of ideas and inspiration. Thank you very much.
Lot’s of interesting approaches here.
I have a related Tibber use case: I use Home Assistant to activate my thermostat/heat pump when energy rates are lowest.
Since it doesn’t make sense to cycle a heat pump on-and off every hour I made my solution a bit smarter: I search for three continuous blocks of 4 hours in length where the average price is lowest (so 12 hours per day in total when heating is available).
To achieve this I created an external Python script that runs once per day to obtain pricing data from Tibber, I then use the Home Assistant API to plan calendar events for the time windows that I want my heating to be available. Finally the calendar triggers an automation that activates or deactivates a generic thermostat that controls my heating.
The title of each event contains the average price for the four-hour span (including tax, rounded to two decimal places):
Hourly prices are added to the description of each span:
Using a calendar to show hourly pricing would be easy: simply plan events for every hour with the pricing info in the title.
Hi Ingo
I tried to rebuild your tibber cards, but the first thing where I failed ist the
I put this code in the configuration.yaml and also my token to my secrets.yaml but I can´t find the tibber_prices under the entities.
did you put your code unter the “sensor:”-part in your configuration.yaml like this? Did you take a look in your logs?
# Tibber Vorschaupreise
- platform: rest
unique_id: tibber_prices
name: Tibber Prices
method: POST
payload: '{ "query": "{ viewer { homes { currentSubscription { status priceInfo { current { total level } today { total level } tomorrow { total level } } } } } }" }'
json_attributes_path: "$[0].currentSubscription.priceInfo"
- today
- tomorrow
value_template: "{{[0] | float }}"
scan_interval: 30
Authorization: !secret tibber_token
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: REST
unit_of_measurement: EUR/kWh
# Tibber Preislevel
- platform: rest
unique_id: tibber_price_level
name: Tibber Price Level
method: POST
payload: '{ "query": "{ viewer { homes { currentSubscription { status priceInfo { current { level } today { level } tomorrow { level } } } } } }" }'
json_attributes_path: "$[0].currentSubscription.priceInfo"
- today
- tomorrow
value_template: "{{[0].currentSubscription.priceInfo.current.level }}"
scan_interval: 30
Authorization: !secret tibber_token
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: REST
# Tibber Preislevel
- platform: rest
unique_id: tibber_price_level_german
name: Tibber Price Level Deutsch
method: POST
payload: '{ "query": "{ viewer { homes { currentSubscription { status priceInfo { current { level } today { level } tomorrow { level } } } } } }" }'
json_attributes_path: "$[0].currentSubscription.priceInfo"
- today
- tomorrow
value_template: >
{% if[0].currentSubscription.priceInfo.current.level == "NORMAL" %}
{% elif[0].currentSubscription.priceInfo.current.level == "CHEAP" %}
{% elif[0].currentSubscription.priceInfo.current.level == "VERY_CHEAP" %}
sehr günstig
{% elif[0].currentSubscription.priceInfo.current.level == "EXPENSIVE" %}
{% elif[0].currentSubscription.priceInfo.current.level == "VERY_EXPENSIVE" %}
sehr teuer
{% endif %}
scan_interval: 30
Authorization: !secret tibber_token
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: REST
tibber sensors.txt
"tibber sensors.txt" wird angezeigt.
That was the problem… I put it under tibber: in the configuration.yaml
Now I have another question:
Why differ the prices ?
Mh, good question. My price in HA Match the price in the App.
Is your Timezone setting in HA correct?
Yes, the timezone is correct. I ask tibber and see what they say
@ingo.niehues Thanks in advance for your help
Something is still wrong with the colors:
Do I still have to activate or define this var(–google-blue) somewhere?
Sorry. I use the Minimalist-Theme. Here is the Yaml-File for the Theme:
# Journal
state-icon-color: "rgb(var(--color-theme))"
border-radius: "10px"
ha-card-border-radius: "var(--border-radius)"
error-color: "var(--google-red)"
warning-color: "var(--google-yellow)"
success-color: "var(--google-green)"
info-color: "var(--google-blue)"
divider-color: "rgba(var(--color-theme),.12)"
accent-color: "var(--google-yellow)"
ha-dialog-border-radius: "10px"
# fix added border-lines in 2022.11
ha-card-border-width: "0px"
card-mod-theme: "minimalist-desktop"
card-mod-view-yaml: |
"*:first-child$": |
#columns .column > * {
padding-left: 5px;
padding-right: 5px;
padding-bottom: 5px;
# text
primary-text-color: "#212121"
# main interface colors
primary-color: "#434343"
google-red: "#F54436"
google-green: "#01C852"
google-yellow: "#FF9101"
google-blue: "#3D5AFE"
google-violet: "#661FFF"
google-grey: "#BBBBBB"
color-red: "245, 68, 54"
color-green: "1, 200, 82"
color-yellow: "255, 145, 1"
color-blue: "61, 90, 254"
color-purple: "102, 31, 255"
color-grey: "187, 187, 187"
color-pink: "233, 30, 99"
color-theme: "51,51,51"
color-background-yellow: "250, 250, 250"
color-background-blue: "250, 250, 250"
color-background-green: "250, 250, 250"
color-background-red: "250, 250, 250"
color-background-pink: "250, 250, 250"
color-background-purple: "250, 250, 250"
color-yellow-text: "var(--primary-text-color)"
color-blue-text: "var(--primary-text-color)"
color-green-text: "var(--primary-text-color)"
color-red-text: "var(--primary-text-color)"
color-pink-text: "var(--primary-text-color)"
color-purple-text: "var(--primary-text-color)"
energy-gas-color: "rgb(156,39,176)"
energy-water-color: "rgb(33,150,243)"
opacity-bg: "1"
# background and sidebar
card-background-color: "#FAFAFA"
primary-background-color: "#EFEFEF"
secondary-background-color: "#EFEFEF"
# header
app-header-text-color: "var(--primary-text-color)"
app-header-background-color: "var(--primary-background-color)"
# paper-tabs-selection-bar-color: "var(--primary-text-color)"
# slider
slider-color: "rgb(var(--color-blue))"
slider-bar-color: "rgba(var(--color-blue),0.38)"
# cards
box-shadow: "0px 2px 4px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.16)"
ha-card-box-shadow: "var(--box-shadow)"
# sidebar
sidebar-selected-text-color: "var(--google-red)"
sidebar-selected-icon-color: "var(--google-red)"
sidebar-text-color: "#80868b"
# switch
switch-checked-color: "var(--google-blue)"
# media player
mini-media-player-accent-color: "var(--google-blue)"
# text
primary-text-color: "#DDDDDD"
# main interface colors
primary-color: "#89B3F8"
google-red: "#F18B82"
google-green: "#80C994"
google-yellow: "#FCD663"
google-blue: "#89B3F8"
google-violet: "#BB86FC"
google-grey: "#BBBBBB"
color-red: "241, 139, 130"
color-green: "128, 201, 148"
color-yellow: "252, 214, 99"
color-blue: "137, 179, 248"
color-theme: "221,221,221"
color-purple: "102, 31, 255"
color-grey: "187, 187, 187"
color-pink: "233, 30, 99"
color-background-yellow: "var(--color-yellow)"
color-background-blue: "var(--color-blue)"
color-background-green: "var(--color-green)"
color-background-red: "var(--color-red)"
color-background-pink: "var(--color-pink)"
color-background-purple: "var(--color-purple)"
color-yellow-text: "var(--color-yellow)"
color-blue-text: "var(--color-blue)"
color-green-text: "var(--color-green)"
color-red-text: "var(--color-red)"
color-pink-text: "var(--color-pink)"
color-purple-text: "var(--color-purple)"
opacity-bg: "0.1"
# floating button text color
mdc-theme-on-secondary: "var(--card-background-color)"
# background and sidebar
card-background-color: "#1D1D1D"
primary-background-color: "#121212"
secondary-background-color: "#121212"
# header
app-header-text-color: "var(--primary-text-color)"
app-header-background-color: "var(--primary-background-color)"
paper-tabs-selection-bar-color: "var(--primary-text-color)"
# Sidebar
sidebar-selected-text-color: "rgb(var(--color-blue))"
sidebar-selected-icon-color: "rgb(var(--color-blue))"
# Slider
slider-color: "rgb(var(--color-blue))"
slider-bar-color: "rgba(var(--color-blue),0.38)"
# card
box-shadow: "none"
# media player
mini-media-player-accent-color: "var(--google-blue)"
# Journal
state-icon-color: "rgb(var(--color-theme))"
Hi @ingo.niehues ,
great example. Love it, but sensor.tibber_verbrauch_daily/weekly/monthly
and all with cost doesn’t work. I created the Helper and put the YAML Part behind Sensor. Any kind of other hint? KR Klaus
I tried it and addad this
- platform: rest to the yaml configuration
Then I have changed the tibber token and restarted HA.
Afterwards I used the apex card which then complains that the sensor is missing
What is wrong ?
thanks to Ingo’s reply the solution was easy.
I put the previously mentioned -platform: rest code
under “sensor:”
and now the sensor appears with all the data and the apex chart is happy too.
Same issue here and your demo delivered the answer that the -platform: rest has to be in the configuration.yaml below