TileBoard - New dashboard for Homeassistant

I made changes to tileboard/config.js but when I restart my hassio nothing changed…do I need to do something else? I can’t get the index.html to show my changes, very strange…

This looks far better for tablet devices, but doesn’t seem to be working for me, however I’m using the compact theme, what theme are you using? Thanks

EDIT: After adding in the input[type=range]::-moz-range-thumb part to my .css it now works for me :slight_smile: I should have read the whole thread.

EDIT 2: Is it possible to change the slider position on the Light tiles?

My bulbs only have brightness control and I’d like to move the slider to the centre of the tile, not the top.

For me it changed as well:

Hi ThaNerd. You need to clear your browser cache and reload. It retains everything in the session I believe. Chrome allows for “Empty Cache and Hard Reload” if you have the developer tools panel open and you do a long click on the refresh button. FYI, you don’t need to restart Hassio or anything else to view changes as long as you clear you cache.


Was wondering if there was a way to password protect a tile. For example a switch that will only activate upon a pin code.

nothing fancy, its a dumb scrape sensor to pull the weekly collection type from my regional waste collection website.

I would love to implement Creating a Home Assistant Web Scraper Sensor

but hassio has restrictions installing python packages and custom components.

Yes, use the DEVICE_TRACKER tile.

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Be good if we could use this (long pressing) in a pop up (similar to the alarm control panel) to control brightness and a colour picker for lights.

Brightness and colour temperature have already been implemented via long-press on the light tile. I have no plans to make a colour picker.

HI guys,
I’ve got the alarm tile working nicely, and now to get the alarm popup to open when my front door is opened (so i can easily enter the pin and disarm it)

If anyone has done this would they mind sharing their code? Ive tried adding variables and firing events but
I really don’t know what I’m doing. I just need to know the exact syntax of the event I need to fire.

Adam, I’m new to Home Assistant and have the MCA88x. Would you be willing to share some of your experience? I’m unsure of how to set it up. Didn’t have any luck with the one page i found with a sample config.

Thanks in advance,

Yeah, I can help you. Did you add the Russound to your configuration.yaml?

@resoai can you tell what do you think:

I’m using tileboard on always-on ipad.
I do have a lighting sensor in the same room.
I’m looking for a way to change the brightness of the tileboard depends on lighting sensor.
The most easiest way is to put some black overlay on the entire screen with changeable transparency.
Any chance you can suggest how it can be done?

I did. (btw, forgive me if I’m posting in the wrong thread. I didnt see a PM option.). I think my real question is simply around hardware. the config appears simple with the IP address reference. of course there are two for the MCA, device and media player. Assuming it’s the device. But I’m unclear on whether the system can communicate with the Russound via its network connection (ethernet) port, or if there is some additional connection required. (TCP to serial converter plugged into serial port of device? some alternative plugged into RNET port?). Thanks again for the help.

No it works simply via PC. You add the device, but functions like a media player. You can select sources, turn it off and on and adjust volume. I’ll paste my config once I can sit at my PC

Thank you sir. You’re a saint.

Changing opacity of the overlay is not the same as changing brightness. Why not set automatic brightness of screen in settings of iPad? iPad has its own ambient light sensor.

I’m not entirely sure which video it was. A lot has changed in the past few months :slight_smile:

Auto brightness is different and not user-controllable.
Regarding the layer/overlay transparency - it’s not the same as changing brightness, but it’'s very near the same result…

Not worked for me, I’ve binded the tile to sensor.time, and still not updated (even when the time is changed):

      position: [2, 3],
      type: TYPES.DOOR_ENTRY,
      width: 1,
      id: "sensor.time",
      // bg: '&camera.dafang.attributes.entity_picture',
      bgSuffix: function(item, entity) {
          return this.parseFieldValue('&camera.dafang.attributes.entity_picture')
            + '&iterator=' + Math.ceil(Date.now() / 100 / 100000);
      title: 'Dafang',
      fullscreen: {
          type: TYPES.CAMERA,
          refresh: 1500, // can be number in milliseconds
          bgSize: 'contain'