TileBoard - New dashboard for Homeassistant

I only have one page for that layout. So no bar comes up by default.

That simple… Thanks!

Do you have your config on github? I would love to see how you managed to get this layouts

Thank you Charles. I’ll give it a try! :+1:

I liked the suggestion of putting buttons on the right. I now have them on the same place on each screen.

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Works like a charm @cgarwood!

   position: [0, 2],
   type: TYPES.CUSTOM,
   title: 'Radio Contact FM',
   id: { },
   icon: '',
   bg: 'http://x.x.x.x:8123/local/radio/logos/contactfm.png',
   bgOpacity: 0.9,
   width: 2,
   height: 1,
   action: function(item, entity) {
          type: 'call_service',
          domain: 'media_player',
          service: 'select_source',
          service_data: {
            entity_id: "media_player.kitchen",
            source: "Radio Contact FM" 
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I’m trying to get the climate and fan tiles to point to groups (of climates and fans) but no luck for climate. Tileboard shows undefined and blank tile for climate but fan works!

HASS UI does support setting temperature, operation and fan mode for group.climate and setting fan speed, turn on/off for group.fan. It may have something to do with how HASS handles group of climates. The state is shown as unknown in states browser but you can still use the set service on it. The logic seems to be in UI layer perhaps because UI shows the state of the first group member.

Any way to use custom tile to achieve this?

This will not work. Climate group does not report same attributes as climate.

I’m using the new header object in my Tileboard as I previously had down the bottom and have added the weather to the right as attached. The issue im having is that the page buttons can not be pressed because they’re in the same plane as the header.

Is there anyway to fix this?

Why not create a tile with date if you need one? You can (probably) add z-index rule to custom.css to work around it but the whole idea of placing header into the footer is not ok.

Can you share a picture of what your layout looks like on the Fire 7 with those settings?

I have created a tile with the time and date but i like the way it appears as the header, just in the footer. I’m using a small screen so need to keep it compact.

I am really digging this frontend. however when Itry to get sensor data in a type: text_list the value is outputting a string

    title: "Download",
    icon: "mdi-download",
    value: "sensor.speedtest_download"

where value should be 0.67 I am getting “sensor.speedtest_download”
I’ve tried with “&sensor.speedtest_download” as well. I don’t understand what is afoot here.

Give this a try:

  title: 'Download',
  icon: 'mdi-download',
  value: '&sensor.speedtest_download.state' + '&sensor.speedtest_download.attributes.unit_of_measurement'
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you forgot .state

.state shouldn’t be needed for the attributes and it’s there for the actual state. I did do a terrible job of pasting in in though. This is better:

          title: 'Download', icon: 'mdi-download',
          value: '&sensor.speedtest_download.state' + '&sensor.speedtest_download.attributes.unit_of_measurement'

I was replying via my phone, I was meant to reply to a different message :slight_smile:

Couple of images below lifted from FullyKiosk on the Fire7 looks identical just bigger on the bigger fires. Ignore the list sensor on main page its WIP.

Hope this helps.


that was it, thanks!

the only thing I would change is weather forecast. I would get rid of the header:

hideHeader: true

And display dates as Weekdays:

var d = new Date(Date.now() + id * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
var date = d.toString().split(' ')[0];

Other than that this is perfect example of a dashboard that has some style :slight_smile: