TileBoard - New dashboard for Homeassistant

There is definitely nothing wrong with javascript and I don’t know why your server is throwing 500 error messages when serving static files (must be something really wrong with the configuration). if you wish to protect your files you can use BasicAuth which can be configured with .htpasswd file.

No, I’m using DOOR_ENTRY with a device_tracker entity id.
I’m getting the subtitle number from a sensor.
When you click on the DOOR_ENTRY a map with the bus location appears.

I was always amazed how people tend to use something in a completely different way to what it was designed for :slight_smile:


We’ve also added an example to use CAMERA tile in full screen by appending server URL and password. Please have a look at the tile examples page.

I’m that guy :slight_smile:

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Thank you! You can use a filter for that:

filter: function (value, field) { 
   if(field === "value") return ({on: "On", off: "Off"})[value];
   return value; 
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And here is a solution for you, but you need to pull latest update from repo:

state: function () {
                        return this.states['sensor.bus_arrives'].state + ' minutes';
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And again, guys, if you have a problem or a question please post an issue on GitHub. Let’s keep it well organised and allow other people to participate in an orderly fashion.

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Not sure whats wrong but our entity pictures doesnt show… google maps and status works just fine tho… tried both bg and bgSuffix.

					 position: [2, 0],
					 id: 'device_tracker.micaela',
					 map: 'google',
					 states: {
					 home: "Home",
					 not_home: "Away",
					 bg: '@attributes.entity_picture',
					 slidesDelay: 2
					 position: [3, 0],
					 id: 'device_tracker.cjas_iphone_7',
					 map: 'google',
					 states: {
					 home: "Home",
					 not_home: "Away",
					 bg: '@attributes.entity_picture',
					 slidesDelay: 2

You don’t need bg field at all, with the latest code if device tracker does not expose geo coordinates the only slide which would show is the entity picture.

Here is what it looks like.

Entity_picture wont load :confused:

					 position: [2, 0],
					 id: 'device_tracker.micaela',
					 map: 'google',
					 states: {
					 home: "Home",
					 not_home: "Away",
					 slidesDelay: 2
					 position: [3, 0],
					 id: 'device_tracker.cjas_iphone_7',
					 map: 'google',
					 states: {
					 home: "Home",
					 not_home: "Away",
					 slidesDelay: 2

and here is the light config.

					 position: [2, 1],
					 title: 'Library',
					 subtitle: 'Lounge',
					 id: 'light.library',
					 type: TYPES.LIGHT,
					 states: {
						on: "On",
						off: "Off"
					 icons: {
						on: "mdi-lightbulb-on",
						off: "mdi-lightbulb"
					 sliders: [
					 title: 'Brightness',
					 field: 'brightness',
					 max: 255,
					 min: 0,
					 step: 5,
					 request: {
					 type: "call_service",
					 domain: "light",
					 service: "turn_on",
					 field: "brightness"
					 title: 'Color temp',
					 field: 'color_temp',
					 max: 588,
					 min: 153,
					 step: 15,
					 request: {
					 type: "call_service",
					 domain: "light",
					 service: "turn_on",
					 field: "color_temp"


downloaded latest code (and replaced everything but config.js) about 25minutes ago.

I see you are using a local entity_picture which is kind of another story.

okay hosting them online and changing the urls, should fix the pictures…

So, the light issue, any clue?

I’ve responded about it on github, you forgot to close the square bracket :slight_smile: If you don’t need to adjust colour temperature you can simply delete the whole sliders:[] bit.

If you use bgSuffix: '@attributes.entity_picture', could you have a look what URL would be formed for the picture?

I changed the entity_pictures to a weblink already and they work now. :slight_smile:

trying to resolve the light issue,

    position: [2, 1],
    title: 'Library',
    subtitle: 'Lounge',
    id: 'light.library',
    type: TYPES.LIGHT,
    states: {
        on: "On",
        off: "Off"
    icons: {
        on: "mdi-lightbulb-on",
        off: "mdi-lightbulb"
    sliders: [{
            title: 'Brightness',
            field: 'brightness',
            max: 255,
            min: 0,
            step: 5,
            request: {
                type: "call_service",
                domain: "light",
                service: "turn_on",
                field: "brightness"
            title: 'Color temp',
            field: 'color_temp',
            max: 588,
            min: 153,
            step: 15,
            request: {
                type: "call_service",
                domain: "light",
                service: "turn_on",
                field: "color_temp"

There was also another } missing

For a start, all you need for a working light with brightness control is:

    position: [2, 1],
    title: 'Library',
    subtitle: 'Lounge',
    id: 'light.library',
    type: TYPES.LIGHT,
    states: {
        on: "On",
        off: "Off"
    icons: {
        on: "mdi-lightbulb-on",
        off: "mdi-lightbulb"

copied your code, still the same problem.

edit: got it working. was probably an issue in the end of the config.