TileBoard - New dashboard for Homeassistant

Does assumed_state: false work for switches that act as lights?

We don’t have assumed_state. What are you trying to achieve?

Im using a few switch.device to look like and act as light.device in my HA config.

for example;

if you look at this page, circled devices are acctually switches.


You can simply use a switch:

                     position: [0, 1],
                     type: TYPES.SWITCH,
                     id: 'switch.kitchen_spotlights',
                     title: 'Spotlights',
                     subtitle: 'Kitchen',
                     states: {...}
                     icons: {...}
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Is it possible for someone to share the top part of there config file cleaned for an example? I dont know why i cant figure this out, ive been test on the json editor site too and i just always have an error at 1. Or if someone has a really basic 1 or 2 entity example i could see…thank you.

any way to add alarm_control_panel.ha_alarm ?

Is it possible to add code to rtl?

Once again, please use GitHub and open an issue for any requests.

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Please show your config which produces an error. An example config has some dummy tiles already.

@resoai that’s excellent job! looks very nice and it’s really lightweight!


I have security concerns…

If you’re placing the files in www directory and accessing them remotely, once you configured the password it creates a backdoor and will not require “user login” anymore.

Any chance you can update your code and to take the password as an input from user (when needed like not whitelisted addresses/networks)?

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This is something I’ve already mentioned in the readme. You can simply do the following in the config:

password: prompt('Enter password')

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oops missed it somehow, sorry…
Yes, it exactly what I looked for.

Will it ask for password for whitelisted network or is it act exactly the same as hassio frontend?

Dashboard is simply an HTML so it has no way of knowing if the address is white-listed or not. If you white-list the address in HA’s configuration I believe you could simply keep the password as null.

that’s what i tried, but it fails for non whitelisted networks.

I just checked and it is working fine if you set var PASSWORD = null; and add have specify your local subnet in configuration.yaml:

  api_password: !secret http_password
  ip_ban_enabled: true
  login_attempts_threshold: 5

Hi, I’ve set up the basics and got this up and running (it’s fantastic). However, before I start tinkering I wanted to make sure everything is ok. I get an issue where the time is overlayed onto the the first set of tiles. Is this a sign of a setup error?

It looks like the height of your window is not big enough to accommodate both tiles and the clock.

I set the config:

But when I accessing I’m getting:

Try setting it to ''

when it set to:
password: 'null',

it works for whitelisted networks, but for not whitelisted is says: