TileBoard - New dashboard for Homeassistant

Hi !

How can i hide errors panel when one or more camera is disconnected ?? …

Thanks !

Do anyone knows how I can remove the horizontal scroll? I have tried everything already and don’t know why that happens.


Try hideScrollbar: true, in first section of config, line 27 approx, I think that will work.


I just fixed it 1 minute ago. It was related to the width of the groups. One of them had width=3 instead 2.


Just add ignoreErrors=true on your config.js and that will do the trick.

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I got this working and love it, however why does the time overlap the sun.sun?

So no matter what I tried (ignore errors, different camera source, long lived token) TileBoard would not stay on consistently via the iPad. With Guided Access it never closes. This is a very workable fix.

Has anyone managed to get history graphs to show up in Tileboard?

I’ve tried Grafana in an iframe, and it doesn’t work properly, I need PhantomJS installed.

I was wondering if there are any alternatives to Grafana that work in a similar way?

Are those Lovelace pictures for music? Is it possible to get custom Lovelace pictures in here?

How did you get your Spotify to show up? Looks great!

How I can fire event to open camera view?

How to use templates for group titles?
I want to use the living room temperature next to the ‘Living room’ group title but the raw text is shown rather than the sensor value:

title: 'Living room &sensor.temperature_158d0001b920fc.state',

Expected to see ‘Living room 25’ or something similar but I see " Living room &sensor.temperature_158d0001b920fc.state"
tried also

title: 'Living room ' + '&sensor.temperature_158d0001b920fc.state',

still with no success…

Is it possible to use other entity inside a function for item title?
I have a switch entity assigned to switch type item.
I want the item title to include an attribute from another entity.
I’ve tried using a function for it (without the condition for starter):

title: function (item, entity) { return '&media_player.receiver.attributes.source' },

But it doesn’t show the attribute value

Hi @sagilo, not sure if this helps but I’m using a sensor tile to display temperature and humidity using something like to following:

    position: [0, 0],
    type: TYPES.SENSOR,
    title: 'Downstairs',
    state: false,
    subtitle: function() {
         return this.states['sensor.esphome_esp01_humidity'].state + '%';
    id: 'sensor.esphome_esp01_temperature',
    filter: function (value) {
        var num = parseFloat(value);
        return num && !isNaN(num) ? num.toFixed(1) : value;

Have a look at for example the subtitle attribute for combining sensor values with text.

I have similar setup posted in different topic - Chromecast Radio with station and player selection

Thanks! that worked for using an id inside a function, but still no go on the title function

how do i get this to use my alarm?

position: [0, 1],
//id: “alarm_control_panel.ring_alarm”,
id: { state: ‘disarmed’ }, // replace it with real string id
title: ‘Home Alarm’,
icons: {
disarmed: ‘mdi-bell-off’,
pending: ‘mdi-bell’,
armed_home: ‘mdi-bell-plus’,
armed_away: ‘mdi-bell’,
triggered: ‘mdi-bell-ring’
states: {
disarmed: ‘Disarmed’,
pending: ‘Pending’,
armed_home: ‘Armed home’,
armed_away: ‘Armed away’,
triggered: ‘Triggered’
this command disarms it “alarm_control_panel.alarm_disarm”

i am new to javascript but this stuff seems a bit basic i think i can learn by example

LOVELACE v0.92 brings “camera_view: live” config to cards to enable a live stream to appear on the UI. Could similar be added to Tileboard?


Started looking into using Tileboard, and I think it’s an amazing dashboard. Thanks for this!

I was wondering if it is possible to somehow make a light switch/dimmer turn off when the slider is set to 0?
I have a working slider for my light switch, but if I slide it all the way down to 0, the switch is still seen as “On” in my dashboard(and HA), and I need to click the tile to switch it off.
Is there any way to make the tile/switch be set to “off” when the slider is set to 0?


No. Stream is not exposed to the API.

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