TileBoard - New dashboard for Homeassistant

@apop, how embarrassing. I looked at all the locations except the config.js file! Thanks, it worked! The color is ok if I can’t change it, but any clue on not having the decimal point?

Still can’t believe I didn’t look at the individual tile. Doh!

No worries. For rounding, you can try this. I’m not 100% sure it will work this way, building the concatenated string first, but you can try it.

var lowtemp = "&sensor.dark_sky_overnight_low_temperature_" + id + ".state";
lowtemp = Math.round(this.parseFieldValue(lowtemp));

And then do the same for hightemp and set forecast as lowtemp concatenated to hightemp with your / in between.


Do I have to add the “d” in the low temp and high temp? I tried with this, but it is wrong.

                var lowtemp = "&sensor.dark_sky_overnight_low_temperature_" + id + "d" + ".state";
                lowtemp = Math.round(this.parseFieldValue(lowtemp));
                var hightemp = "&sensor.dark_sky_daytime_high_temperature_" + id + "d" + ".state";
                hightemp = Math.round(this.parseFieldValue(hightemp));
                var forecast = "hightemp" + " / ";
                forecast += "lowtemp";
                forecast += "&sensor.dark_sky_overnight_low_temperature_" + id + "d" + ".attributes.unit_of_measurement";

Good call on adding the d afterwards since the example doesn’t take into account that breaking change. What does the tile look like currently? Is there anything in your JavaScript console?

It didn’t load Tileboard at all. I will put it back in when I get home and look at the console. You mean in the browser I am looking through, correct?

Correct. CTRL+SHIFT+I in Chrome.

this.parseFieldValue is not a function. (In ‘this.parseFieldValue(lowtemp)’, ‘this.parseFieldValue’ is undefined)

You might be out of luck, but you could try separating out the parse portion and the rounding portion:

var lowtemp = "&sensor.dark_sky_overnight_low_temperature_" + id + "d" + ".state";
lowtemp = this.parseFieldValue(lowtemp);
lowtemp = Math.round(lowtemp);

Just wanted to say that this looks amazing. I just started to use HA and i’am going to install this for sure. Keep up the good work :+1:

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having the same issue with this configuration

                position: [0, 0],
                width: 2,
                theme: ITEM_TRANSPARENT,
                //title: 'Informatie',
                type: TYPES.TEXT_LIST,
                id: {}, // using empty object for an unknown id
                state: false, // disable state element
                refresh: 1000,
                list: [
                    	title: 'Timer',
                        icon: 'mdi-timer',
                        value: '&timer.pir_souterain.attributes.duration',
                ]// end items list

Thanks for sharing your code. It works, BUT when the page is loaded and the light is off, the light tile is not loaded (empty tile). When I turn the light on, it appears and keeps there even if I turn it off. Do you have this problem?

I am having an issue with INPUT_DATETIME. The tile displays the correct date, and the underlying sensor in Home Assistant has the correct date. But when a user clicks on the tile to open the input the month displayed is wrong - right now the month shows as 04 instead of 05 for May. If the user corrects to 05 and closes the input, the date saves correctly - the issue is only on opening the tile for input.

Has anyone else seen this?

As this is my first post, just also wanted to say TileBoard is fantastic.

Can TileBoard switch pages based on an HA sensor (ex. if garage opened, show garage camera page for 10 seconds and then switch back to the main page)?

Yes it can, you can setup any observable action/event to load a page in TileBoard. I set this up by creating an automation event to open a page in TileBoard when the sensor is triggered. Then you can create another automation to automatically “Time Out” that camera page to go back to your main screen after 10 seconds or so. Works like a charm

Awesome. I’m assuming it can take advantage of the new “stream” live camera functionality home assistant just added in the past month or so, correct?

If so, I’m going to give this a whirl. Hopefully I can create something beautiful and functional used through tablets and phones.

Is there a way to hide a media player when its not playing (ex. state = off or idle)?

hidden: function (item, entity) {return entity.state === "off"}

should work.

Works, thank you. Slightly modified for my use case:

hidden: function (item, entity) {return (entity.state === "off" || entity.state === "idle")}     

How is everyone making the tiles have round corners?

You’ll need to set a border-radius in your custom.css file.