TileBoard - New dashboard for Homeassistant

Would love to see the code for this!

I would like to see the changes that you made for this too.

https://github.com/cgarwood/tileboard has the backend/core changes to support footers (basically the same code as headers) as well as modal dialogs (derived from the door_entry popup).

Here’s a gist with the alert-specific code. Now that it’s written I want to go through and refactor/clean it up a bit:

I think I’m going to make some more backend adjustments so I can clean it up more. Maybe add a new “ticker” header item type so I can just pass it an array of objects and have it loop through them. That would give me some nicer animation capabilities too.


Good stuff right here! I’ve sort of put TileBoard on the backburner while I’ve been working on my mobile Lovelace config, but definitely making a note of this work when I get back around to tweaking my TileBoard setup.

I just started using Tileboard and am working on a tablet interface for my hassio. I am interested in creating some small button tiles that are a fraction of the size of the ‘standard’ tiles. What is the preferred method for customizing a given tiles size? Should I set the default tile size to something very small and then scale up all of the other tiles?

I create “mini” tiles by setting the width/height to 0.5 and then add a mini class to them. I then put the following in my custom.css file to adjust icon/text sizes.

/* Mini Tiles */
.mini .item-entity--icon {
  font-size: 32px;
.mini .item-title {
  font-size: 12px;

I would love to see the rest of of your tileboard tabs.

These are a little outdated (and only 2 of the 4 rooms), but here’s some pics/screenshots:


Thanks @cgarwood. Seeing what other people have done always gives me ideas. I like the use of the mini tiles, I can make use of that in a couple of places to save some screen real estate.

Thank you. I’m a total newbie to js and classes and am having trouble applying the mini class. Is there any chance you could post an example of mini tile code from your config? I appreciate any help you can give me.

Anyone know how to get config.js to call functions from external javascript files?

  return '123-456-7890';

   position: [0, 0],
   id: 'device_tracker.google_maps_9000',

I want to return sensitive data (ex. phone numbers) through an external javascript file that I would exclude from Github.


Not a function but here is an example of using additional configuration in a separate file.


var CONFIG_SECRETS = {    
   someSecretThing: "aSecretValue"

at top of config.js

function loadScript(url) {
   var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
   req.open('GET', url + '?cache=' + Math.random(), false);
   req.onreadystatechange = function(){
      if (req.readyState === 4) {
         var s = document.createElement('script');

loadScript( "includes/config/secrets.js" );

inside the CONFIG declaration in config.js:

   title: CONFIG_SECRETS.someSecretThing,
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OMG - Thanks a million! I spent all day yesterday trying to get this to work.

I’m trying to add the slider controls for the cover allowing setting the opening value.
Basicly I want to control my dafang camera.
In lovelace I can see basic control like this:
but following configuration does nothing and not recognizing even the current position (showing as “open”):

   position: [0, 0],
   id: 'cover.dafang_move_leftright',
   type: TYPES.SLIDER,
   state: false,
   bottom: true, // puts slider on bottom
   slider: {
      //max: 100,
      //min: 0,
      //step: 2,
      request: {
         type: "call_service",
         domain: "cover",
         service: "set_cover_position",
         field: "value"

Does anybody knows how it can be implemented?


I figured out how to control the cover position with the slider and how to get the value displayed, the only issue remained is to show correct position with the slider.

                                   position: [0, 0],
                                   id: 'cover.dafang_move_leftright',
                                   title: false,
                                   subtitle: false,
                                   type: TYPES.SLIDER,
                                   //unit '%',
                                   state: false,
                                   field: 'position',
                                   bottom: true, // puts slider on bottom,
                                   value: '&cover.dafang_move_leftright.attributes.current_position',
                                   slider: {
                                      max: 100,
                                      min: 0,
                                      step: 2,
                                      title: "Position",
                                      field: "position",
                                      value: '&cover.dafang_move_leftright.attributes.current_position',
                                      request: {
                                         type: "call_service",
                                         domain: "cover",
                                         service: "set_cover_position",
                                         field: "position"

When I manually set slider value to some integer like 22, it show the slider in correct position, but when I put the actual value value: '&cover.dafang_move_leftright.attributes.current_position', it show the slider position like the value is 50:

Tried to parse the value with parseInt, Number - nothing.
Tried to make the value as function - > also whatever I return it always shows as 50, even this one:

value: function() {
return 10;

Can you suggest what else to try?



ok, found what was the issue, all “fields” should be “current_possition”.
Now works as expected.


Congratulation for this awesome project.

I have been using this for the last days, and I’m trying to change the names of the operation_mode in climate, is it possible?
The names are in english and all lowercase, I want to translate to my country language, is it possible?

This is the list which your climate component in HA is providing via the API and what it expects as a set value.

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Yes, I know. But in HA it converts this values to readable in my country language, but in Tileboard is showing without translate. If it were possible to make a list to translate every item, it would fix my problem.

Anyone using a photo gallery with tileboard (ex. to show security camera images for the day)? If so, how are you doing it?