TileBoard - New dashboard for Homeassistant

I have created a tile based on the weather tile to display some info about local bus and train times.

is there a way to call

- service: homeassistant.update_entity
  entity_id: sensor.next_train_to_bhm

when you click on the tile or some other way of doing this?

I want the sensor to update only when I click on the tile.

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How about using an Automation Tile as a separate tile that triggers your automation when clicked?

Thanks for the reply.

It is a possibility to have a separate tile. It just felt a bit cleaner if it was the same tile.

Do you think there is any way to do it with the same tile? Otherwise your idea would work!

A trick you can try is to create an automation tile with the same position, width and height and place it below your weather tile code in your config.js file. This will make it overlay your weather tile and you can then click on it. Set title to ‘’ and state to ‘’ to make it completely blank. Set backgroundColor to transparent as well so the underlying tile color is what’s displayed.


    position: [0,0],
    width: 2,
    height: .75,
    title: '',
    state: '',
    id: 'automation.test',
    customStyles: function (item, entity)
         return {
            'backgroundColor': 'transparent'

Otherwise, you’d have to modify the tileboard code to make it clickable and call an automation.

For each tile you can override a click action by defining ‘action:’ and call ‘ this.apiRequest({});’ to send any data you need back to HA. I’m sorry I can’t provide a full example as I’m typing from my mobile.

Thanks for the help. I am still learning.

Would this work on a weather tile that does not have a normal click action?

An example would be great if you get the time.

Thanks again.

I didn’t realize that you could use action: for any tile.

Here’s an example:

action: function(item, entity) {
      type: 'call_service',
      domain: 'automation',
      service: 'trigger',
      service_data: {
        entity_id: "automation.test"

I shall give it a go tomorrow.

Thanks all.

Hi all,
I’m newbie of tileboard (Home Assistant almost too).
I really would like to know i there is a tileboard card for roller shutter (with buttons upper arrow, down arrow and stop).
I googled and checked a lot on the web but I didn’t find any similar solution.
Any help on this will be very appreciate.
Many thanks in advance.

Give TYPES.COVER a try. I don’t see it documented in the github tileboard project for some reason but I use it for my garage doors and it works perfectly.

You’ll need to create a Home Assistant Cover for your shutter if you don’t already have one

Thank you so much.
Much appreciate.
:+1: :+1: :+1:

Seemed to work.

Thanks again.

“Make sure that you have Home Assistant 0.77 or greater installed as only new authentication system is supported from now on”
I need to just experiment with this dashboard/changing GUI.
How to I set this up. Do I install Ubuntu in a VM and lod hass.io into it? Then where will the coding take place?? In the original computer(Windows 10 IDEs,Sublime Text etc.) or in the VM. Pleas help a brother out

For me, the best:

Shutter card
hacs_badge buymeacoffee_badge

This card allows to open, close or set a shutter to the opening rate you want.

Shutter card

Anyone that can help a newbie. I love the layout of tileboard, really really nice work… I have en tablet in our kitchen with tileboard running but I would also want to access tileborad fra my phone when I am out of the house. Maybe create two versions of the config and index so one is for local use and one is for my phone when I’m out.

Is there someone that can guide me thru this ??

With the :


You can do this with the following:

TileBoard - New dashboard for Homeassistant

Hope this helps.

Thanks - I’ll will definitely take a closer look at this. I think this will work for me, but I’m still a little bit in the dark on how I can access tileboard from my phone when I’m away from my house.

To access out of the house you will need to set this up on home assistant.

Lots of people use duckdns there are a lot of articles on how to do this on google.

I believe this is the best way unless someone can correct me?

Thanks - I can see there is some work to do for me. Thanks again for your reply

Is there any simple way to hide scrollbars for the TYPE.IFRAME tile?

I was looking for the exact same thing.
Did you found a solution? :slight_smile: