TileBoard - New dashboard for Homeassistant

Just came across this thread and trying it out. Bit baffled as to where the get the device_tracker id from? Any help would be appriciated.


The device tracker id will be in home assistant.

Go to developer tools —> states and then scroll down until you get to the device trackers.

They will look something like:



Could someone maybe help a noob out…

Trying to install TileBoard on a clean install of Home Assistant on a raspberry pi.

First off:
I’m trying to figure where exactly to put the TileBoard dir.
my current guess is: /config/www/TileBoard
but I have been trying all over the place :joy:

Do you need to do anything else than configure the config.js file? like do you need to start a service or anything?

Right now I only get the error “404 not found” when trying to get to the page.


What is the URL are you trying to access?

Port forwarding and dynamic dns is one way. I use duckdns and let’s encrypt. The issue with doing it this way is security. Hackers sit at their computers all day looking for vulnerable systems. Default usernames and passwords must be changed. Always rename Administrator if using windows and use a long passphrase, not a short password. For example, “I love tileboard. It’s #1. It’s the best thing since sliced bread!” would take 5 trillion trillion trillion trillion years to crack. “Rft9411#” would take 41 hours to crack.

VPN is another option. Always on VPN would probably be how you’d want to configure it.

Reverse proxy is another way. A lot of people use nginx and there are many guides on how to do this.

Whichever way you do it, it’s also best to restrict access to your systems to a particular IP address if it remains static. If it’s constantly changing, such as on a mobile phone, it’s difficult to restrict by IP but it’s possible with a combination of an app to get your ip and a script to update rules on your firewall, dynamically.

And are the files in a folder called tileboard or TileBoard?

Christ I ask if it is tileboard or TileBoard and you say “yeah”

Which one?

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Sorry for that question. I don’t no where I have to copy the files, don’t found the www directory??

Names of the directories are case-sensitive so you should rename TileBoard to tileboard.

The www directory should be in your /config directory. If it doesn’t exist you’ll need to create it and restart HA.

Thanks, works now!

Hi - Really great work @resoai, been busy with it for about two weeks and learnt a lot just reading the forum still a newbie. My tileboard’s looking great need some help with my floor plan got images layered - now how would i toggle a switch to call up a image

I have layered the lights-on over my image in the Tv Room need to toggle it now.
I would really appreciate any assistants or sample codes would be great

I apologize if there is already an answer in the thread. I am trying to figure out how to use tileboard ona old iPad running ios9. I enabled the trusted network to homeassistant but tileboard remain stuck on the authentication page that does not properly load due to the browser limitations… anyone has a solution to this?

Thank you in advance.


Is it possibel to have an “entity” on the screensaver, like a outdoor tempratur sensor showing on the screensaver ? an if it is, how?

Also can I take the images for the slides from my Nas where we store all our pictures?

Thank in advance

Use long-lived token.

Thank you! It worked.

This is very cool @resoai. Im muddling through setting up the panels how I want them. I find myself doing a lot of hit or miss coding since I am new to .js. I’m using Atom on OSX. Are there any tricks to speeding up the workflow in regards to bad formatting or pointing out where I messed up the code, or is this just something that is learned over time?

This is really awesome inspired me to give it a shot - I have all the elements just struggling with the code - (still a newbie finding my way around) - to have tiles call up the layered images - some assistant please - any sample of a tile config that calls up the image.
My HA is working 100% just need to get this sorted and i’m done.

Some people managed to make floor plan with TileBoard. I’ve never done it myself as I see little use for it myself. I believe people just overplayed standard tiles over areas they wish to control and removed style in css.

Just remember not to expose it vis internet otherwise anyone could control your bathroom light.