TileBoard - New dashboard for Homeassistant

Eheheh, good point. My HA is not exposed to the internet :wink:
On a different note, I started experimenting and using a sensor_icon tile for a cover and even if te state mapping is correct (checked by switching to sensor tile) and I follow your template, the icon does not show up. Any suggestion?

@resoai - Thanks, I would agree on the use for it, as my tileboard is up and running well, it’s more as a project - Thanks :+1:

It would be helpful to see the config and state dump for your cover entity. I’m sorry that my telepathic abilities have weakened greatly during lockdown :slight_smile:

thanks for helping, here is the piece of config:

                     position: [1, 0],
                     type: TYPES.SENSOR_ICON,
                     title: 'Small garage',
                     id: 'cover.small_garage_door',
                     states: {
                        on: "open",
                        off: "closed"
                     icons: {
                        on: "mdi-garage-open",
                        off: "mdi-garage"

and here is the status of the cover:

As you can see that n the state dump, states for your cover are open and closed rather than on and off what you specified in the tile.

ok, now I understood the logic.
Thank you for the help.

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Thanks) already posted it here: TileBoard - New dashboard for Homeassistant

transparent overplayed tiles with lights and background for no-lights floorplan.

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Missed that relay - sorry - Thanks a Mill - cant wait to get at it - :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

I have an iPad gen3 and use Kiosk Pro as my browser. Works a treat. I put it in guided access by triple clicking the home button.

Starting to get into it! This is a great interface!!!
How do I resize the header? On my Ipad3 even if I am using the compact theme, the group title overlaps with the header elements.

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So very new to JavaScript, and I’ve tried to piece it together off example i’ve seen but haven’t gotten it to work. Is there anyway to have a WiFi icon, and when you click on it it opens popup with an image (QR code)?

I know I could just put the QR code right one the page but I have design OCD on how it will blend in.


So noticed an interesting quark. I have a blind that is set to 0. However the slider will show 50% when refreshed. If I set the blind to anything else, everything works fine. I can refresh the page and the slider is accurate. Just not when it sits at 0. Also, randomly the tileboard page will refresh and the blind will jump to 49% (if it was previously at 0). The wife thinks I am messing with her.

   position: [0, 0],
   id: 'cover.front_blind',
   title: 'Front Blind',
   type: TYPES.SLIDER,
   unit: '%',
   state: false,
   field: 'position',
   bottom: false, // puts slider on bottom
   slider: {
      max: 100,
      min: 0,
      step: 1,
      title: "Position",
      field: "current_position",
      value: '@attributes.current_position',
      request: {
         type: "call_service",
         domain: "cover",
         service: "set_cover_position",
         field: "position"


By using the id of the cover you are essentially binding the state the the cover (which is open/closed) to the slider value. Why not use COVER tile which was designed for it?

Hi folks, I could not find any reference in the thread, maybe I missed it. How can one change color of the icons? I looked at the css files, but being not an expert, I could not see teh right spot.


That makes sense. We liked the idea of a slider more at the time. However we could switch to COVER.

So COVER works well. One advantage of a slider though is that we could set limits and open the blind to the percentage we want.

For example, I can set a limit of 75% on some of the blinds. (we have some large blinds that I would prefer not be opened fully)

Another plus is that the touchscreen is not in the same room as the blinds. So if we want to open the blinds 50% it becomes a bit of guesswork.

Perhaps this could be implemented in the future.


You can create input_number in HA with relevant automation .

I could. But I have lots of blinds. :slight_smile:

I took a look at the code and I think I know why it is doing what it is doing. I guess in Javascript 0’s are treated as false and when doing comparisons it was skipping over them.

I changed getSliderConf to the following and it now functions as I would expect it to. 0’s are reflected on the slider. I am not a JS person so maybe there is a better way. But this works for me.

         //var value = +attrs[def.field] || 0;
         var value = +attrs[def.field] || +entity.state || 0;

         //value: value || +entity.state || def.value || 0, 
         value: (value === 0) ? (0) : (value || +entity.state || def.value || 0),