TileBoard - New dashboard for Homeassistant

Would you be able to provide details on how this would be setup?

Thanks in advance

Thx, sounds good! I’ll give this a try right after vacation.

Hi Everyone - just started to use tileboard - its great!

I have a question - I am trying to control a fan that is connected to a dimmer module - setting the level on the dimmer controls the speed of the fan. I would like to have a button that either toggles - setting the level to 40, 70, 100 (low, med, high for the fan). Or even an on/off with primary action and a popup with 3 other buttons that would set the speed.

Not sure if the first is possible, and how I would use a popup to accomplish this - I have tried a number of things and can’t figure it out.

Any examples or suggestions?

Am i doing something wrong or is it not yet supported for covers, the mdi icon doesn’t appear.

                    position: [1, 0],
                    type: TYPES.COVER,
                    title: 'Garagepoort',
                    id: 'cover.garage_door',
                    states: {
                       open: 'Geopend',
                       closed: 'Gesloten',
                    icons: {
                       open: "mdi-garage-open-variant",
                       closed: "mdi-garage-variant",

You have the } in the wrong places. A } is missing after states and there is an extra at the end.

Indeed, i changed it but still no icons.

                    position: [1, 0],
                    type: TYPES.COVER,
                    title: 'Garagepoort',
                    id: 'cover.garage_door',
                    states: {
                       open: 'Geopend',
                       closed: 'Gesloten',
                    icons: {
                       open: "mdi-garage-open-variant",
                       closed: "mdi-garage-variant"


Tileboard works on all my devices. The interface on my ipad2 has not worked for a few days. Only the background is displayed. Does anyone know why this can happen?

Thx for help

Bad times! I’ve literally just discovered TileBoard in the last 60 minutes and was hoping it would let me use my spare iPad2s to access HA… so if there’s a fix, I’d love to find out about it!

Potentially an issue with the Let’s encrypt SSL certificate combined with old devices that don’t get certificate or SSL library updates anymore.

You can read more on Old Let’s Encrypt Root Certificate Expiration and OpenSSL 1.0.2 - OpenSSL Blog

The root certifate from Let’s Encrypt is expired. Although you might not have ssl on tileboard, it still uses ssl somewhere most probably.
I have the same issue.

I was hoping that would fix the issue, maybe the states are first mapped?
Would have to try and see what the problem is.

1 Like

Are the states actually open and closed? Because it works for me:

I have faked a light in my livingroom to show the icon and mapped on/off

               position: [0, 0],
               width: 1,
               height: 1,
               title: 'woonkamer',
               type: TYPES.LIGHT,
               id: 'light.woonkamer',
               states: {
                  on: 'Geopend',
                  off: 'Gesloten',
               icons: {
                  on: "mdi-garage-open-variant",
                  off: "mdi-garage-variant"

Thank you for testing, for the light icons it also works for me, not so for the cover, the state for the cover is ‘open’ and ‘closed’ instead ‘on’ or ‘off’ that the lights have, maybe not yet supported?
The states of the cover do represent in the tile so that works.

Can be solved in some way?

I have found a solution. only this profile should be installed in the ipad https://letsencrypt.org/certs/isrgrootx1.pem

Hi All,

I have been using Tileboard for some time now. No fancy tiles but for now working for me.

Only thing is each time I open it on my iPhone (also other devices) errors. See attached image.

Is it possible to see these in some log?
To find out what the errors are.

Whenever iPhone goes to sleep, the webpage closes connection with HA and restores it again whenever you are opening that page again. This a logical behaviour but since TileBoard was designed for tablets that are awake and connected to HA 24/7 you see those reconnection notices.

Many errors in console:
angular.js:15697 TypeError: undefined is not iterable (cannot read property Symbol(Symbol.iterator))

Couple days ago my ipad stop show “tileboard” and i search- why?
In console i find this errors even if config.js is empty

Can any body help ?

Hi guys,

I am trying to figure everything out for TileBoard but can’t seem to find much of a nice integration with Spotify.

Anyone has something for Spotify on TileBoard?
I want the options like spotify source select.

Hi guys,

Im totally new at this, and im trying to make the most out of tileboard with little knowledge of javascript and html. Im trying to figure out how to use other icons, ie Material Design Icons for kitchen etc etc. How do i import new icons? Sorry for my stupid questions…

Best regards,