TileBoard - New dashboard for Homeassistant

You can’t set those to false I’m afraid, it only works with state.

Ok thanks for helping though :frowning:

Hi, I just started using TileBoard and am loving it so far. I did run into an issue when trying to configure my climate. For some reason the temperature cannot be changed at all, the + and - signs don’t show up for me. Could it be because my HA climate entity does not have a temperature attribute? How do I go about overriding the climate type with a custom one so I can add the + and - for each target_temp?


The issue with the particular thermostat is that instead of having one target temperature it has a range. The functionality to change temperature was Neve implemented for these “range” thermostats.

Trying to setup notifications / events, but it doesn’t seem to work…

I have the following in config.js

events: [
		/* Example: Start the screensaver on a tablet with Fully Kiosk Browser */
			command: 'open_page',
			action: function(e) {
			command: 'notify',
			action: function(e) {

and trying to run these scripts / automations;

    - event: tileboard
        page: 0
        command: 'open_page'
- alias: PC2_offline
  initial_state: true
    platform: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.test_notification
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
    - event: tileboard
        command: 'notify'
        id: 'PC2'
        icon: 'mdi-desktop-tower'
        type: 'error'
        title: 'Status - PC2'
        message: 'PC2 is offline, restart the left computer (big one)'

Nothing happens on my tileboard (running on iPad iOS 15.0.1)

Just added today my fist cover blinds tile and the original code do not fit my needs. so… small changes to the code so i can use the toggle button to stop the blinds at desired position:

The code is for the unversioned tileboard

$scope.toggleCover = function(item, entity) {
    if (entity.state == 'opening' || entity.state == 'closing') {
        service = "stop_cover";
    } else {
        if (parseInt(entity.attributes.current_position) == 100) service = "close_cover";
        else service = "open_cover";
    $scope.sendCover(service, item, entity);

before: press->close blinds - press-> open blinds
now: press->close blinds - press-> stop blinds - push->open blinds

tile with color changing:

            position: [5.95, 2.05],
            width: 0.45,
            height: 0.55,
            type: TYPES.COVER_TOGGLE,
            id: "cover.bedroom_blinds",
            state: !1,
            title: "Jaluzele",
            icon: function(item, entity) {
                var pos = entity.attributes.current_position < 100 ? "mdi-blinds" : "mdi-blinds-open"
                return pos
            customStyles: function(item, entity) {
                var color = "";
                if (entity.attributes.current_position < 100) color = "orange";
				if (entity.state == 'opening' || entity.state == 'closing')color = "green";
                return {
                    "color": color

COVER_TOGGLE is for covers that only open or close while COVER supports setting position if I remember correctly.

Yes, there was no problem with the code as it was. I only added a different settup that fit my tablet design and needs. Posted here for anyone that want something like this.

This might confuse some new users as newer versions of TileBoard have completely different file structure.

it is working right now!

#Stop screensaver
- alias: stop screensaver
  initial_state: true
    platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.gang_tussendeur_sensor
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
    - event: tileboard
        command: 'screen_on'

#Start screensaver
- alias: start screensaver by nobody home
  initial_state: true
    platform: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.iemand_thuis
    from: 'on'
    to: 'off'
    - event: tileboard
        command: 'screen_off'

- alias: start screensaver by sleeping
  initial_state: true
    platform: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.override_slaap
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
    - event: tileboard
        command: 'screen_off'
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I’am trying to define another color for my group titles. In the map styles i opened the file custom.css and unmarked the following

.group-title {
	font-size: 35px;
	height: 35px;
	position: relative;
	top: -35px;
	color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) !important;
	font-weight: 400;
	opacity: .8

unfortunatelythe group title still have the same color. It looks like Tileboard is not using the custom.css file. Is that possible? Am i doing something wrong?

Hi everyone, I’m just trying to show a simple sensor_boolean state in a tile with two icons, one for each state. No icon is shown, even though the state is.

This is my code, could somebody have a look at it? I really don’t know what am I doing wrong

               title: 'Ponte di legno',
               width: 1,
               height: 3,
               items: [
										 position: [0, 0],
										 width: 1.5,
										 height: 1.5,
										 title: 'Ping response',
										 subtitle: '',
										 type: TYPES.BINARY_SENSOR,
										 id: 'binary_sensor.ponte_di_legno_server',
										 state: true,
										 icons: {
												on: 'mdi-check-network',
												off: 'mdi-close-network',

What is the actual state information? Is it on/off?

I would like it to be just a button that launches a script
The actual information is on/off. Even though I don’t understand how a script can be on/off. It’s just triggered

Ok I fixed it, I’m not sure how though.
EDIT: I put at the end of every script:

service: script.turn_off
  entity_id: script.scriptname

Can anybody address me on how to color a specific tile? I’m running the windows 95 theme (and I love it).

You could use customStyles, like this example (based on an entity state);

customStyles: function (item, entity) {
  if (this.states['device'].state == 'state') {
    return {'background-color': '#FFFF00'};
  else {
    return {'background-color': '#FF0000'};
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I’m trying to have a text list tile launch Fully Kiosks Launcher, when the tile is pressed.

Can a text list tile have an action? And if so, what would work to activate the Fully Kiosk Launcher?

I tried this on a custom tile, but it doesnt work

action: function(item, entity) {

Is anybody having issues with HISTORY tiles all of a sudden? I keep getting an error message for all of them that I can partially read saying "ERROR IN REST API" "Code -1 retrieved for http://.....".

This is my code:

               title: 'Temperature',
               width: 3,
               height: 3.7,
               items: [
										 position: [0, 0],
										 width: 3,
										 type: TYPES.HISTORY,
										 id: 'sensor.livingroom_average_temperature',
										 title: 'Average livingroom temperature',
/*										 offset: 5*24*3600*1000,*/
										 options: MINIMAL_CHART_OPTIONS,
										 position: [0, 1],
										 width: 3,
										 type: TYPES.HISTORY,
										 id: 'sensor.multisensor_bedroom_air_temperature',
										 title: 'Bedroom temperature',
/*										 offset: 5*24*3600*1000,*/
										 options: MINIMAL_CHART_OPTIONS,
										 position: [0, 2],
										 width: 3,
										 type: TYPES.HISTORY,
										 id: 'sensor.multisensor_bathroom_air_temperature',
										 title: 'Bathroom temperature',
/*										 offset: 5*24*3600*1000,*/
										 options: MINIMAL_CHART_OPTIONS,

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Anyone has an idea on how to debug it? Maybe @resoai