TileBoard - New dashboard for Homeassistant

Hello I have added in exactly same as your guide, but my text are still cut off.


May i know what have i done wrong?

Im no expert, but seems like you are missing a «-« in your curstom.css infront of weather-summary…

Hello @DarkWader , I have added the " - " in front, restart home assistant and refresh my browser , but “overflow” condition is still not working.

You need to delete cache in browser to refresh from modified CSS. (ctrl + F5) if windows computer.
And i am not sure if you can use customStyles on a tile, and have the .CSS applied aswell.

1 Like

@DarkWader yes, control+F5 does refresh and changes can be seen… thank you for your assist. :grinning:

Hi, I’m trying to view Tileboard on my old IPAD 2 with IOS 9.3.5 but Safari return only blank page with green background and without any tile. The source html have body tag and then commented “ngIf: ready”, otherwise my laptop page, after body tag, return:

<div ng-if="ready" class="page-container"
    enable: isPanEnabled,

Can someone help me?

look here, it might help:

Why tileboard doesn’t like it when I add a types.script?
Here is my code, at a certain point you will see a section called “boosters” - the whole configuration breaks down when I add that super simple script tile.

         title: 'Climate',
         bg: 'images/bg2.png',
         icon: 'mdi-thermometer',
         groups: [
               title: 'Livingroom',
               width: 1,
               height: 3.7,
               items: [
                     position: [0, 0],
                     width: 1,
                     height: 0.5,
                     title: 'Entrance',
                     type: TYPES.SENSOR,
                     id: 'sensor.multisensor_entrance_air_temperature',
                     unit: '°C',
                     state: false,
                     position: [0, 0.5],
                     width: 1,
                     height: 0.5,
                     title: 'Livingroom',
                     type: TYPES.SENSOR,
                     unit: '°C',
                     id: 'sensor.multisensor_livingroom_air_temperature',
                     state: false,
                     position: [0, 1],
                     width: 1,
                     height: 1,
                     title: 'Set radiator',
                     type: TYPES.CLIMATE,
                     unit: '°C',
                     id: 'climate.radiator_livingroom_sx',
                     state: false,
                     useHvacMode: true,
                     position: [0, 2],
                     width: 1,
                     type: TYPES.CLIMATE,
                     id: 'climate.ac_livingroom',
                     state: false,
                     useHvacMode: true,
                     title: 'AC living',
                     position: [0, 3],
                     width: 1,
                     type: TYPES.CLIMATE,
                     id: 'climate.ac_kitchen',
                     title: 'AC kitchen',
                     state: false,
                     useHvacMode: true,
               title: 'Bedroom',
               width: 1,
               height: 3.7,
               items: [
                     position: [0, 0],
                     width: 1,
                     height: 1,
                     title: 'Bedroom',
                     type: TYPES.SENSOR,
                     unit: '°C',
                     id: 'sensor.multisensor_bedroom_air_temperature',
                     state: false,
                     position: [0, 1],
                     width: 1,
                     height: 1.0,
                     title: 'Set radiator',
                     type: TYPES.CLIMATE,
                     unit: '°C',
                     id: 'climate.radiator_bedroom',
                     state: false,
                     useHvacMode: false,
                     position: [0, 2],
                     width: 1,
                     title: 'Set temperature',
                     type: TYPES.CLIMATE,
                     id: 'climate.ac_bedroom',
                     state: false,
                     useHvacMode: true,
               title: 'Bathroom',
               width: 1,
               height: 3.7,
               items: [
                     position: [0, 0],
                     width: 1,
                     title: 'Bathroom',
                     type: TYPES.SENSOR,
                     id: 'sensor.multisensor_bathroom_air_temperature',
                     unit: '°C',
                     state: false,
                     position: [0, 1],
                     width: 1,
                     title: 'Set radiator',
                     type: TYPES.CLIMATE,
                     unit: '°C',
                     id: 'climate.radiator_bathroom',
                     state: false,
                     useHvacMode: true,
										 position: [0, 2],
										 type: TYPES.SWITCH,
										 id: 'fan.bathroom_ventilation',
										 title: 'Ventilation',
										 states: {
												on: "On",
												off: "Off"
										 icons: {
												on: "mdi-fan",
												off: "mdi-fan-off",
               title: 'Boosters',
               width: 1,
               height: 3.7,
               items: [
						          position: [0, 1],
						          type: TYPES.SCRIPT,
						          id: 'script.warmup',

Sorry for the double post. I am also having troubles removing the “state” attribute from my radiators and thermostatic valves. Has anyone got an idea how to do that?

Please clarify what exactly you mean by “doesn’t like”. Please open developer tools of your browser and see what error message is being displayed. It does look like you need to add an icon for your tile.

If you want to hide the state from any tile simply set it to false as follows:

state: false,

You can simply create two tiles with the same position (one for day and one for night) and show them depending on the time.

Do you have screensaver defined?

I dont know if will show the history how i wanted… a history bar only until the present time.
As you can see in my screenshot, the history now is all over 24 h.
I have made a custom class for icons so on the past time the icons change opacity.

My question is, can i overwrite the size of a tile with a custom css class?

Nope. size must stay locked.

:frowning: so my only chance is to add some dummy time on history, null values from present time until the end of day.
thanks for your time man…:slight_smile:

You can specify offset though offset: 24*3600*1000*5

That’s what I did, but the state still shows on the radiators.
Here’s my code

                     position: [0, 1],
                     width: 1,
                     height: 1.0,
                     title: 'Set radiator',
                     type: TYPES.CLIMATE,
                     unit: '°C',
                     id: 'climate.radiator_bedroom',
                     mode: false,
                     state: false,
                     useHvacMode: false,

and here’s the output (if you tap on the state/hvac_mode whatever it is)

This is not the state, this is operation mode/preset. state is what is being displayed in top right corner.

I have even tried this, but nothing:

                     position: [0, 1],
                     width: 1,
                     height: 1.0,
                     title: 'Set radiator',
                     type: TYPES.CLIMATE,
                     unit: '°C',
                     id: 'climate.radiator_bedroom',
                     mode: false,
                     state: false,
                     useHvacMode: false,
                     operation_mode: false,
                     operationMode: false,
                     preset: false,