TileBoard - New dashboard for Homeassistant

In fact it senses the gpio status. It may not be possible to change it without a physical action…

I got it to work creating a new input boolean and duplicating my automation. Then used input boolean in tileboard.
Thanks and sorry for the confusion.

Why not use a template switch instead?

It seems that it would be another approach. But in fact I need automations because more than one switch is turned on/off and in a delayed sequence, so automation is a must. :slightly_smiling_face:

One more thing:

I would like to have the just a status check for a cover. No command. Just a big text: “Closed” or “Open”. I tryed:

             position: [0, 0],
             type: TYPES.SENSOR,
             title: 'Garage Internal',
             id: 'cover.garage1',
             value: '&sensor.cover.garage1.state',

“closed” or “open” only appears in the up right corner. I would like it to appear big in the center of the tile.
Is it possible to do?

state: false

I should be missing something, sorry. It is now blank (only title appears).

     position: [0, 0],
     type: TYPES.SENSOR,
     title: 'Garage Internal',
     id: 'cover.garage1',
     value: '&sensor.cover.garage1.state',
     state: false,

Well, you have incorrect entity name for value. &sensor.cover.garage1.state -> &cover.garage1.state I suppose.

You are right. Working as expected. You are the man. Thank you one more time.

I’ve created an issue for this. Group of climate entities is missing logic for on/off states (eg. cool/idle, heat/idle) so the service reports unknown. The UI is reporting the first group member’s state as the current state mysteriously, leading me to believe the logic is in UI layer somehow.

If anyone with python know-how has the time, this should be an easy fix to enable home-wide climate control through tileboard.

@resoai Is it possible to have the state of a script tile reported based on value of an input_select? If the value matches, it’s on. How could one achieve this in TB? Can we use function for state like hidden?

hidden: function() { return this.parseFieldValue("&alarm.home.state") === “off” }

Yes, you can.

state: function (item, entity) {
                           return this.parseFieldValue("&sensor.living_shield_source.state") === entity.attributes.friendly_name;

state: function (item, entity) {return this.parseFieldValue("&sensor.living_shield_source.state") === entity.attributes.friendly_name},

Both don’t seem to work for me. What am I doing wrong here?


Maybe an example of setting state via function in https://github.com/resoai/TileBoard/wiki/Anonymous-functions would be helpful.

If you read your own code what do you think it actually does?

Umm it takes the value of the sensor and compares with the friendlyname of the HA entity (the script name). if there’s a match it should return true else false.

At first you mentioned input_select and script, now you are comparing state of the sensor? with a friendly_name of the entity and are returning boolean instead of string.

I’m just trying to understand what exactly you want to do :slight_smile:

If living_shield_source is input_select than the code would be something like this:

state: (item, entity) { 
    return this.parseFieldValue('&input_select.living_shield_source.state') === entity.attributes.friendly_name ? 'On' : 'Off';

You may also consider creating a function for it in order to avoid copy-pasting the same code for every tile.


Yes! I was missing the conversion to on/off at the end. Thanks!

state: function(item, entity) { 
                       return this.parseFieldValue("&sensor.living_shield_source.state") === entity.attributes.friendly_name ? 'On' : 'Off';

Hello guys,

Does somebody have a example of a full working config so i can learn how to do it, i got basically no coding skills so its a steep learning curve for me but it looks so nice for my wall mounted tablets :smiley:

It’s only fully working when it’s using your own HA instance with its entities, a demo is hard to show fully working. Try and examine the default config.js file and replace the entities with your own.