TileBoard - New dashboard for Homeassistant

I understand it wont work but then i will see the spacing and the layout of the config file it will be easier for me too understand.

We have tile examples on GitHub which should give you a big hint.

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@resoai can we get a script tile on colour? It has off and turning on but no on. Useful to monitor script execution (some have delays and take a while to execute). Thanks

There is but we don’t have a CSS for it which you can do in custom.css. Every tile has a class equal to it’s state prefixed with “-”.

item._classes.push('-' + escapeClass(entity.state));

Yeah thanks I tried this but didn’t work. I was hoping it would be part of TB standard because it is the same behaviour as HASS UI (script stays on for as long as it is running) but TB shows it as off while it is on and running.

I’m using compact theme so this should work right?

.-theme-compact .item.-th-script.-on {
  background-color: #10e4dc;
.-theme-compact .item.-script.-on {
  background-color: #10e4dc;

Is there a way for the pages to transition from left to right instead of from top to bottom, In /scripts/controllers/main.js the function scrollToActivePage handles this. The problem is when changing the translation to horizontal the other pages are still below and nothing is displayed to the right.

Can you please create an issue on github?

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No. Pages are physically stacked vertically. You can simply switch to SIMPLE transition which will disable transition.

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Having issue with the camera tile, in particular the zoom in feature. When I click on the tile the screen opens but remains blank, no image shown. This is my config

                    position: [0, 0],
                    id: 'camera.front_door',
                    type: TYPES.CAMERA_THUMBNAIL,
                    bgSize: 'cover',
                    width: 2,
                    height: 2,
                    state: false,
                    fullscreen: {
                        type: TYPES.CAMERA,

                        refresh: 1500, // can be number in milliseconds
                        bgSize: 'contain'
                    refresh: function () { // can also be a function
                        return 3000 + Math.random() * 1000

The tile display is working fine. I also noticed that when i do click on the tile all the other cameras i have are listed on the left. Click in on those also doesn’t show the larger image.

thanks in advance

Simply change CAMERA to CAMERA_THUMBNAIL and it will work. CAMERA tile requires password which can be added via filter:

            filter: function (item, entity) {
                  return CONFIG.serverUrl
                    + entity.attributes.entity_picture
                    + (CONFIG.password ? '&api_password=' + encodeURIComponent(CONFIG.password) : '');

However CAMERA_THUMBNAIL will work just fine.

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if you see anyone post thiers and you like it you can always ask them to share. of course you will have to change the entities

Ok this works now thanks to your commit.

I’m using that state: function on some script tiles and it shows the state as ‘on’ (in text) but the tile color is that of ‘off’. Why could that be? The state function just affects the text and not the colour? :thinking:

If you are referring to the tiles where you manually set the state, than this wouldn’t work. You are not overriding actual tile’s state, but are simply customizing it’s view with that.

I found a interesting site for who wants a weather radar (South America and USA only).

  1. Go to https://www.climatempo.com.br/satelite (there are some options)
  2. Drag and zoom the map to your area
  3. Click with the right button on the map and copy URL

As an example, I got NY region.


There are a sequence of images (from … ircol3_1 to ircol3_20, just change it in the url). Só it’s now possible to use the last image (ircol3_20), with a refresh.
Or get a way to use all 20 images in sequence. Anyone already had this experience with sequenced images instead of animated gifs for weather radar and would like to share how to do it?

Example of dashboard without headers or menus. I used an iframe for the date/time and another iframe for the news. The “menu” buttons are simply other tiles in the bottom left.


I would loooove to see your configfile. Interested in the time Iframe, the reload and “menu” bottons.

I am working on getting a 7" Raspberry display showing a homescreen whith date, time and weather, controlscreen whith lights and stuf, climate whith climate stuff and a menia whith controls media on hole house (snapcast and Spotify) and maybe a locaion and car panel…

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date iframe:

  position: [0, 0],
  id: {},
  width: 3,
  height: 2,
  refresh: 60000, // 60 seconds
  url: '/date.html'

reload item:

  position: [7, 5],
  title: 'Reload',
  id: { },
  icon: 'mdi-reload',
  action: function(e) {

“menu” item:

  position: [1, 5],
  title: 'Lights',
  id: { },
  icon: 'mdi-lightbulb-outline',
  action: function(e) {

The date.html is some ugly javascript/html I put together:
date.html gist

Hope this helps!


Why not use date_time ?

  - platform: time_date
      - 'time'
      - 'date'
      - 'date_time'
      - 'time_date'

And create a tile in TileBoard as follows:

            position: [0, 3],
            type: TYPES.SENSOR,
            width: 1,
            title: 'Time',
            id: 'sensor.time',
            value: '&sensor.time.state',
            state: '&sensor.date.state',
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@resoai well the obvious way to do it would have been too easy :grin: Honestly no idea why i didn’t think of that. Oddly enough thats basically what my sunset and sunrise sensors are. Thanks for a great dashboard!!

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can you send for me your mobile site config sample file ??