Timer Bar Card (+ Mushroom Style)

Just ran into this same problem. Here’s what I added to the end of the card to address this:

  style: |
    ha-card {
      .text-content {
        font-size: 15px;

Change the 15px to whatever you need it to be for your card.
So my card’s YAML looks like:

type: custom:timer-bar-card
entity: timer.drip_irrigation_1_timer
name: Water
  primary_info: name
  layout: vertical
  action: call-service
  service: script.run_drip_irrigation_for_10_minutes
  action: more-info
  style: |
    ha-card {
      .text-content {
        font-size: 15px;
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The font itself was also different so I changed the card_mod section to this:

  style: |
    ha-card {
      .text-content {
        font-size: 14px;
        font-family:Roboto,Noto,Noto Sans,sans-serif;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;font-weight:400;margin:0;padding:0;height:100%
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I’m trying to get the “scheduled for xx” like you have in your Open sprinkler example, but with the Irrigation unlimited integration.
I would like to show “Next run at: xx” when the zone or sequence is idle/off.
the irrigation unlimited entity has an attribute called ‘next_start’ i should be able to use. But i have no idea how…

Hi, I have tried to display my Skoda air conditioning time with the timer bar but all my tests show no bar.

The entity hast the left time as state in minutes. For example “21.0”. The Attributes of the entity are:

unit_of_measurement: min
assumed_state: true
device_class: duration

How can i use the timer bar?

Please post the complete code you’re using (or trying to use). :slight_smile:

This was my last try

type: custom:timer-bar-card
name: Klimatisierung
entity: switch.skoda_enyaq_coupe_rs_iv_electric_climatisation
mushroom: null
active_state: 'on'
  entity: sensor.skoda_enyaq_coupe_rs_iv_climatisation_time_left
  units: minutes
  fixed: '0:30:00'

Please try like this:

type: custom:timer-bar-card
name: Klimatisierung
entity: switch.skoda_enyaq_coupe_rs_iv_electric_climatisation
mushroom: null
active_state: 'on'
  entity: sensor.skoda_enyaq_coupe_rs_iv_climatisation_time_left
  units: minutes
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Thanks, it works!

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I love you card, but I need use for “no timer” values, instead I want use for porcentual value.

For example, target steps for day and actual steps.

Any way use for no timers entities?

Hi, I can’t get the bar to show. I have a washing machine that displays the time left in minutes . Tried with this code but no bar. I tried converting the minutes to hours, minutes, seconds with a template sensor but no luck. Any help will be appreciated.

type: custom: timer-bar-card
name: lavadora
entity: sensor.wash_cycle_remaining_time
mushroom: null
active_state: 'on'
  entity: sensor.wash_cycle_remaining_time
  units: minutes

Has anyone used this card to display/countdown items in a ToDo list? I’d like to use the card to display remaining time until various recurring (home maintenance) tasks are due. The due dates are not available directly as sensors or attributes but require calling the todo.get_items service and then parsing the results, so I’m thinking this might be possible in conjunction with the auto-entities card…?

If it were me, I’d do something like this with template sensors. :slight_smile: They’re made for this use case.

As you would use template sensors, it’s up to you, how you set these up, but if they have a due date in some form, these could be used as the state in the template sensors. And would then be usable eg. with this card. :slight_smile:

EDIT: forgot, the template sensors would be usable not only with this card, you can use whatever you like. Eg. a mushroom card, where you format the date with one of the available time macros. :slight_smile:

Thanks @paddy0174. I’ll need to look into that. I’d want it to be able to update/sync automatically. In this case the todo list comes from Google Tasks (via the…Google Tasks integration). So when I update the list on Google I don’t want to have to manually do anything on the HA side.

I can look into either creating multiple sensors (one for each task) via templating or a single sensor with tasks as attribute (might be better).

I’m sorry, but I have no idea how Google Tasks work, as I’m not using this integration. :slight_smile: If you can provide more information, I’m sure we could get you started! :slight_smile:
You could take a look at the recently changed behaviour of weather forecasts. There are some good examples out there, on how to setup a trigger based template sensor in combination with a service, what would be kind of a template for what you need to use for the todo list. :wink:

But, as this has nothing to do with timer-bar-card, we should talk about that in a different thread. :wink: Please take a look at the search, if some other thread fits, or just open a new one! :+1:

Hi all

Wondering if I can get any help

I have the timer bar card installed and have a card on the dashboard I want but when I press the bottom it tirrger the script but the timer flashes up like its about to start counting down but then goes blank and I get nothing

I’m new to HA so I am defo doing something wrong below is my card config

type: custom:timer-bar-card
icon: mdi:heating-coil

  • script.set_eddi_to_1_minute_to_cancel
    fixed: ‘00:01:00’
    action: call-service
    service: script.set_eddi_to_1_minute_to_cancel
    action: more-info
    sync_issues: fix

Hello and welcome to our little house of horror! :laughing:

First of all, please take a moment to read the guide lines for this forum. :slight_smile: The code you posted must be formatted correctly, otherwise we can’t see, if there are errors in the YAML. And YAML is unfortunately really picky with indentation… :wink:

See here:

But what your code shows, you’re trying to run the timer-bar-card with a script, if I’m interpreting that right. That won’t work, you need a timer. So what you want looks like you need to setup a timer and start it. That timer is, what the card shows. :slight_smile:

Maybe you could explain a little more on what you want to do, so we can help there. :slight_smile:

Sorry about that I have tried all I could

I’m trying to set it up so that when I click the card it then counts down how long is left on the eddi boost function

I’m assuming I need to set a new timer up on configuration.yaml just asking because I’ve never set it up before

No need to apologize, it’s just we can’t see if errors are in the code. :slight_smile: That’s why I’m always insisting on formatting. :laughing:

I tried to figure out, what you want to do with the code above, but I’m sorry, I couldn’t.

So what is it, that this eddi function should do? Do you start someting with it? Any sensors or such that need to be taken into account.

For the timer, you just set it up where you setup things like sensor or binary_sensor, for most people this is in configuration.yaml or a splitted file.

In there, you set this:

    name: Eddi timer
    duration: '00:01:00'
    restore: true

And that would make a timer-bar-card configuration like this:

type: custom:timer-bar-card
  - timer.eddi_timer
  action: call-service
  service: timer.start
    entity_id: timer.eddi_timer

Please try and report back, if that’s what you want! :slight_smile:

I am also interested in the code for this status bar :slight_smile:


I shared it here: Timer Bar Card (+ Mushroom Style) - #18 by alexeiw123

Hopefully it works for you!