To do list (shopping list)

I decide to pimp home assistant to remind me the shopping list.
To do that i make a list with my favorites items to buy with input boolean like that

    name: Liste de courses
      - input_boolean.acheter
      - input_boolean.bieres
      - input_boolean.papierwc
      - input_boolean.coca
      - input_boolean.lessive
      - input_boolean.poulet
      - input_boolean.steak
      - input_boolean.poisson
      - input_boolean.shampooing
      - input_boolean.geldouche
      - input_boolean.petitdej
      - input_boolean.cremefraiche

input_boolean.acheter (to buy in english) is a boolean to execute the notification

with pushbullet ha notify me if input_boolean.acheter is on

  - alias: Send shoppinglist'
      - platform: time
        minutes: '/3'
        seconds: 0
      - platform: state
        entity_id: input_boolean.acheter
        state: 'on'
        service: notify.pushgano
          message: " Liste des courses : {% if is_state('input_boolean.bieres', 'on') %} - Bieres  {% endif %}{% if is_state('input_boolean.papierwc', 'on') %} - Papier WC  {% endif %}{% if is_state('input_boolean.coca', 'on') %} - Coca Cola{% endif %}{% if is_state('input_boolean.lessive', 'on') %} - Lessive  {% endif %}{% if is_state('input_boolean.poulet', 'on') %} - Poulet  {% endif %}{% if is_state('input_boolean.steak', 'on') %} - Steaks  {% endif %}{% if is_state('input_boolean.poisson', 'on') %} - Poisson  {% endif %}{% if is_state('input_boolean.shampooing', 'on') %} - Shampooing  {% endif %}{% if is_state('input_boolean.geldouche', 'on') %} - Gel Douche  {% endif %}{% if is_state('', 'on') %} - Cafe  {% endif %}{% if is_state('input_boolean.petitdej', 'on') %} - De la bouffe pour le petit dejeuner  {% endif %}{% if is_state('input_boolean.cremefraiche', 'on') %} - Creme fraiche  {% endif %}!"

the trigger could be by example owntracks with commercial zone defined in home assistant like home.

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hi i am new … help me where to put the values …like configure file group file n etc

Nice work. Almost working now. 2 Questions left.
I have made a input_boolean for: Send email with the point that are on. This is working.

Question 1:. But is it possible to with the same boolean to reset all the list values to off?
Question 2. Is it posible to line out the list? Now i have a message that looks like this:

  • aardappelen - beer - Aarbeiden.

I like that is looks like:

  • Aardappelen
  • Bier
  • Aardbeien

question 1

you need to make a group in a group :wink:

    name: Liste des courses
      - input_boolean.bieres
      - input_boolean.papierwc
      - input_boolean.coca
      - input_boolean.lessive
      - input_boolean.poulet
      - input_boolean.steak
      - input_boolean.poisson
      - input_boolean.shampooing
      - input_boolean.geldouche
      - input_boolean.petitdej
      - input_boolean.cremefraiche
      - input_boolean.tomates
      - input_boolean.pommedeterre
      - input_boolean.poivron
      - input_boolean.oignon
      - input_boolean.riz
      - input_boolean.pates
      - input_boolean.jambon
      - input_boolean.apero
      - input_boolean.sacpoubelle
      - input_boolean.deo
      - input_boolean.dentifrice
      - input_boolean.oeufs
      - input_boolean.lait
    name: Les Courses
    view: yes
      - script.envoiliste

For Question 2:
i didn’t success to create \n in script call…

The best would be to not notify by pushbullet but to create a google keep note ;p

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You actually can open the right note with a combination of Tasker and Pushbullet. That’s pretty nice, even more if you have an Android Wear watch and open the note on the watch itself!