Todo lists

I see that in the 2023.11 release we are going to get todo lists. This is fantastic. It adds a significant new feature to home assistant. I can’t wait to play with it.

One question though: Will it use the current shopping list card? I ask because the current shopping list card allows editing the names of items as well as deleting items. This could be annoying as users can edit the items on the list when they should stay fixed. Also, the edit boxes cause the card use quite a lot of screen space.

I’d like to see a kind of ‘read only’ toggle for the list so that only the check boxes allow interaction.

They are editable. It is now a to-do card, but behaves exactly like the shopping list did (which is now gone and broke some of my automations because it’s now todo.shopping_list)

Thanks @Neil_Brownlee . Maybe this is something that could come later.

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