2023.11 To-do: Add release title

Would love it if could syncronize Home Assistant’s Shopping List and To-Do lists with the Google Assistant’s Shopping List and Notes Lists which they now save in Google Keep.

Any tried using gkeep-list-sync (custom component that uses an unofficial client for Google Keep API)?

gkeep-list-syncA Home Assistant custom integration for adding items to your Home Assistant Shopping List from a Google Keep list. The integration relies on gkeepapi for the synchronization. This is meant to be used with Google Assistant to easily add items to Home Assistant Shopping List.

For now I keep using Google Assistant’s Shopping List since already have Google Home / Google Nest speakers in all rooms.

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The inclusion of To-do in the 2023.11 release is fantastic. It adds a significant new feature to home assistant. I can’t wait to play with it.

There is something that I think needs improvemnt. The current to-do list card allows editing the names of items as well as rearranging items. This could be annoying as users can edit the items on the list when they should stay fixed. Also, the edit boxes cause the card use quite a lot of screen space.

I’d like to see a kind of ‘read only’ toggle for the list so that only the check boxes allow interaction.

Thanks for this awesome release and the inclusion of the To-Do lists! this really is a game changer and brings multiple of possibilities. I really appreciate all the work included - keep on to this:)

Concerning the To-Do lists, is there a way to access the single items in the lists or is this still ongoing?

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I would consider to create a feature request for this …

Well done on the multiple task lists.
I’ve been waiting for that forever!
However, I’d love to have a command to automatically sort the lists in alphabetical order.

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Hi @CChris

I already did: Restrict acces on to-do list card

Is there any way to trigger automation when a task is done on a to-do list? Something like shopping-list-updated event?

Seems I am another who has been bricked by this update.
I applied the update in the usual way last night (before bed).
This morning when I looked at the dashboard most of my views had progress spinners.
I tried the back up screen and there was simply a red button in the middle - I forget what it said - so that plan was scuppered.
I tried to reboot the device via the interface and it didn’t appear to do anything.

Later I lost patience and physically rebooted the RaspberryPi and now when I try to reach the URL I get a message of This site can’t be reached

My system is a Raspberry Pi 4, which is booting from an external USB 512GB SSD.
Until now it was running fine for over a year.

What can I do now to get this system back up?
Thankfully I have backups on a separate nas drive


You just answered your own question.


After the upgrade the sensor.processor_use sometimes shows 0 which was not the case before. Someone also recognized that? I’m running HAOS in a VM on Proxmox.

I was really looking forward to the extra conditions that can be used for displaying elements but I’m gutted - they don’t apply to chips! :frowning_face:. Especially the restriction by user. I don’t suppose there’s any plan to extend these to the conditions available for chips?

Great work! Since Todo’s are entities now, shouldn’t they be a Helper? Imho it is inconsistent where local entities can be found:
Schedule = Helper
Calendar = Integration
Input select = Helper
Todo = Integration
I believe that all these “local entities” should come from either integrations or helpers, but I see no benefit to mixing both types.

Doh! Just noticed that there’s an update in HACS for this. So I have everything I wanted. Sorry for being so premature! :rofl:

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This is something i would also like to be able to do. We would need the list items availabe as an atribute or something not just the amount of items in the list. Hopefully it will be available in the future.

Yes, have the same on an RPI4.

I saw that mentioned on Discord during the beta. Can’t see any resolution though

I think we’re more likely to get a responding service, as entities with lots of attributes are frowned opon these days.

@tom_l - which bit is that then mate? I am not keen on sarcasm, and TBH the comment was not helpful at all, especially given that you’re a moderator.
After all, like many others here, I rely on Home Assistant for a good few things in my home, including all lighting, so I would like to get it fixed as quickly and easily as possible.

I was hoping someone might suggest I try something other than a full wipe, reinstall and then install of a back-up. Especially as the Back-up Restore screen is not accessible - and not at all now because the while system is offline!

Also, looking above I am not the only person who has had an issue upgrading here, why did this issue occur in the first place, what can a person do to avoid this in future?


Boot to a prompt (assume you can plug your Pi in to a monitor/TV)

ha core update --version 2023.10.5 

Replace 2023.10.5 with the version you had previously if it wasn’t that.


He wasn’t being sarcastic. The solution to get your system back up is to restore, which you implied you were going to do with this comment:

If you were hoping for something other then “restore”, then you should have said that. People aren’t mind readers here.

Stand back a moment and try to understand that text does not always read the same way to different people.