Touchscreen remote for HA

Thanks! I have only bits and pieces left at the moment.

Hi,i want to buy can i do?

Can this be used on a standard 7" raspberry pi touchscreen as well?

This looks really clean!!

Yes there is wall panel version development ongoing, see below for link.

I cannot join the channel with this link. Can you try sharing another one?

Sorry, try


Can i get a new link to discord.
im very interrested in the wallmounted version

Here you go:

Unfortunately I only discovered this thread today and I am very enthusiastic about the remote control.
Unfortunately I missed the Kickstarter campaign.
Are there still kits to buy somewhere or somehow?

Follow the link above and have a read through the general channel.

Short answer: not yet.

Long answer: the build files (PCB, schematic, bill of materials, enclosure design, etc…) will eventually be put up on GitHub if you want to DIY.

Also the latest from Marton (the project leader/designer/developer), in November last year:

We had 2 rounds of kits made after the kickstarter but unfortunately there are none left. We are looking into getting more made, but we want to do it in a more sustainable way, so it will take a bit of time

So you will be able to buy one eventually, just not right now.

Time scale?

Not available, just be patient.

Thanks @tom_l for the sum up! :slight_smile: It is exactly how you wrote.

I’m trying to figure out ways to make it a bit more sustainable and fix some things in the design as well. When I have something, I’ll let everyone know about it.

Still doing this next to work, so bear with me please :slight_smile:

Hi @marton do you have any more info available now?

Hi @martheijnen, not really unfortunately. I made some progress and there’s gonna be definitely something, but it’s not ready to be shared yet. Soon™ :slight_smile:

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the link is no longer valid,

can i get a new link please?


Hi, here you go, hope this works:


thanks it works!

Is there a step by step guide to install remote software on raspi os please?
i read the wiki doc but i a m very confused…there is remote os which is for the original hardware, and remote software but i want to make a diy with a Mhs35 screen and a rpiow…cant find a step by step guide for that.

thanks, have a good day

The remote-os was made for the remote hardware. Because there are a lot of hardware elements, we cannot support all the different configurations. However there were some cases where it was made to run on a pi with a hyper pixel display.

If you’d like to run it on a different configuration, you need to make sure that the drivers are correct and if necessary, modify them to work with your own hardware.

Absolutely fantastic work! I am not sure if this remote is yours or from a competitor. Keep up the great work!

No, that is not the YIO remote.

1 Like

Just found out about your integration with HA, and the off the shelf version after reading up about alternatives to harmony, and I’ve got to say your product looks SUPERB! 99% of the commands I send now are IP based via harmony → emulated roku → node red. I would much prefer a solution that allows me to talk to HA directly, perhaps with a LIRC implementation for the odd IR only device. Great work. Any timelines for the