Touchscreen remote for HA


the link is no longer valid,

can i get a new link please?


Hi, here you go, hope this works:


thanks it works!

Is there a step by step guide to install remote software on raspi os please?
i read the wiki doc but i a m very confused…there is remote os which is for the original hardware, and remote software but i want to make a diy with a Mhs35 screen and a rpiow…cant find a step by step guide for that.

thanks, have a good day

The remote-os was made for the remote hardware. Because there are a lot of hardware elements, we cannot support all the different configurations. However there were some cases where it was made to run on a pi with a hyper pixel display.

If you’d like to run it on a different configuration, you need to make sure that the drivers are correct and if necessary, modify them to work with your own hardware.

Absolutely fantastic work! I am not sure if this remote is yours or from a competitor. Keep up the great work!

No, that is not the YIO remote.

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Just found out about your integration with HA, and the off the shelf version after reading up about alternatives to harmony, and I’ve got to say your product looks SUPERB! 99% of the commands I send now are IP based via harmony → emulated roku → node red. I would much prefer a solution that allows me to talk to HA directly, perhaps with a LIRC implementation for the odd IR only device. Great work. Any timelines for the

Thank you! For IR we built in IR learning/blasting into the charging dock. It has also a web socket API, so you could just send IR commands through the dock from HA, without the remote even :slight_smile:

We’re aiming to launch a Kickstarter this summer and then go from there. I don’t have production timelines, but working on it. It’s not as easy as normal due to the pandemic and chip shortage, but trying to do the best I can.

Hey @marton if the Kickstarter launches, please update this post so we know :wink:

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northern or southern summer?

hi @Depechie, will do :slight_smile:

@nickrout :smiley: Danish summer

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Wow, sounds like you’re knocking it out of the park! This is shaping up to be seriously impressive, and with that beautiful display should provide a really nice control for all sorts of home automation activities that aren’t possible on the harmony. How nice it will be for example to be able to control the heater from a remote control that actually shows you the state of the device! My lord this might actually be a remote that passes the WAT :slight_smile:

I hope you guys make the most of harmony being canned… there is a serious market opportunity that’s just been handed to you! Please do update us once the Kickstarter launches. I would absolutely love to get in early.

Also, might I add that you have ALL of the right physical keys on Remote v2, and in all of the right places. Looking good!

Thanks! :slight_smile:

It passed WAT here: a while back when I had some mechanical prototypes around the apartment, my girlfriend picked Remote Two up to adjust the volume on the speakers. Of course it didn’t do anything at that point, but it was a good indicator for me :smiley:

We’re planning to launch a blog, where we write about the process and what we’re doing. What integrations are we working on, etc. (HA will be the first one, hehe :stuck_out_tongue: ).

Also before Kickstarter there will be a very limited alpha/preview program and more beta seats after.

All of these will be up on the site/forum/chat/here everywhere, when we have the details in place :slight_smile:

You can join the YIO community forum to keep up to date too:

There’s a Discord server as well.


Also I have a version1 kit for sale if anyone is interested:

Curious about the preview possibilities, since it is now pre-posted on Kickstarter :star_struck:

Yes, we’re launching on Kickstarter today at 14:00 CEST! :star_struck:


Oh my god. This time I noticed it. Maximum excitement!!! :heart_eyes:

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It’s live !!
Got mine ordered !!

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