TP-Link KP200 Smart Outlet Support?

Ok Finally figured this out :smiley:
Since My system will not auto discover the plug or switch, I had to add them manually for which I added them under Switch: the HS200 was perfectly happy to reside under, the KP200 was not happy about it so it would not function proper,
I decided to try to add it under strip: and restarted the server, and boom both switches on the KP200 are working and reporting.
This is a example in configuration file in case anybody is experiencing the same type of issue

this is a Venv type install of Home assistant

   discovery: false
   - host: IP of HS200
   - host: IP of KP200

My KP200 and KP400 devices are working, and auto-discovering (relatively fine).

Originally, I had trouble with the KP400, but then realized that even the Kasa couldn’t properly connect to it - adjusting schedules was resulting with errors.

I unplugged/plugged the plug, and things connected all back up.

Auto-discovery, however, is still a little glitchy. When I reboot, sometimes something doesn’t link up. But mostly works on another reboot.

I had issues with things occasionally not being found on a HA restart not just TP-Link entities. I checked my WiFi router logs and saw that things were dropping and reconnecting quite often. After researching and fixing issues with my WiFi I have found that the stability of everything in HA that uses WiFi is pretty much rock solid now. Everything outside of HA is running a whole lot better as well.

my wifi is rock solid the only load on it is my smart phone and my wireless switches once they were configured in home assistant they were there just the KP200 did not like to play nice until I put it under strip instead of switch, if it was found automatically it would have done that for me like it did on yours

Just installed Kp200. Added it to Kasa. Confirmed discovery:true and restart Ha. Both plugs where found and work. Adjusted my automation and all it good to go. Getting device to fit in electrical box took longer than all the above.

So all is good. Running latest Ha.

I’ve had a KP200 running for several weeks, going back several minor releases of Home Assistant. Biggest issue was how long it took to get both outlets recognized by their friendly names. Took three restarts before it came across. I’ve been able to independently control both outlets from the day it was installed.