TP-Link Tapo P100

has anyone tried with tapo smart bulb ? or is there any alternative respo for those bulb ?

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We are on the same path. i have 2 L150E’s not sure how to integrate them yet. Tried to put their IPs directly using this pyp100 but it returns a credential error. I think the encryption are different. But its too early to give a final conclusion. :slight_smile:

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The encryption is the same :slight_smile: I am going to implement the bulbs in the next few days. (Probably a different component though)

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This is great news! Thanks @fishbigger.

I am interested on creating components as well. How did you come up with the encryption for Tapo? If you don’t mind me asking.

The whole reverse engineering of the api was done by @K4CZP3R but I think it was done by unpacking the android app and trying everything postman

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I see, thanks for all of your hardwork!

Just tested this component on Tapo L510E Bulb, and it works as a light entity as well.

  - platform: tapo_p100_control
    email: [email protected]
    password: tplinkz1
  - platform: switch
    name: Dirty Kitchen Bulb
    entity_id: switch.dkbulb

Note that dkbulb is the actual name of the bulb from the Tapo app.

This component supports Tapo P105 and Tapo L510E

Thanks for this guy’s. Now I can buy more tapo plugs. Works nicely.

Logger: homeassistant.helpers.entity
Source: helpers/
First occurred: 3:18:41 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 3:18:41

Update of switch.kerstboom is taking over 10 seconds

Hi guys,

I’ve recently bought a box of four Tapo P100 sockets and they’re great but as we already know, they can only be controlled in the tapo app. Well, until I found this. I’m very interested in installing this in my raspbery pi as soon as I get home in the next weeks.

Anyway, about this topic, I was trying the python code and I get the following error:

[ -        login_request() ] Device responded with: {'error_code': 0, 'result': {'response': 'Ijx76G6qj6oYULCPeB/MdKB2OKEdn8EVExcKZpzfYtc='}}
[ -        login_request() ] Device inner response: {'error_code': -1501}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 25, in <module>
    my_bulb.login_request(args.tplink_email, args.tplink_password)
  File "C:\Users\MYUSER\Downloads\tapo-p100-python-main\", line 166, in login_request
    self.token = decrypted_inner_response['result']['token']
KeyError: 'result'

My tapo socket is in firmware version 1.4.3 Build 29291127 Rel. 60156

I changed my password and now it has only letters, both upper and lower case.

Am I doing something wrong?


TP-Link P100 Switches


  • platform: tapo_p100_control
    ip_address: 192.168.xx.25
    email: [email protected]
    password: password1
  • platform: tapo_p100_control
    ip_address: 192.168.xx.26
    email: [email protected]
    password: password1

I am trying to set up two plug, this is in my config file, but i cant find the plugs in the entity section.
Apologies if the terminology isn’t correct i am a complete noob to HA.
Platform does have the dash before, i think this formats differently.

Your config file is correct.

But do this:

  1. remove that from the config file and save it;
  2. remove the folder tapo_p100_control from your custom_components folder;
  3. restart HA;
  4. add the folder tapo_p100_control to your custom_components folder;
  5. restart HA;
  6. add the configurations to the config file and save it;
  7. restart HA;

Hope it helps.

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Hi sorry it hasnt helped i cant find the plugs still :confused:

here is my full code just in case i am missing something stupid

Seems ok to me. Maybe a blank line after line 25?!?!? Also, do you have your HA updated? I have the latest version.

Maybe someone more experienced can help…

currently running os 5.10 and version 2020.12.7

Did you mange to fix this issue? I am having the same issue

I got 4 plugs working. This is my experience:

  1. I had the error others mentioned until I change the password to 8 chars 1 number and 1 upper
  2. The formatting below works for more than 1 plug
  3. Restarting the Supervisor|System|Core|Restart Core several times somehow fixes things. Give it a few minutes after a restart to register everything.
  4. I think it important to know what “working” means. Once working your new device will appear in the Configuration|Entities list. It will no appear in the Integration or Devices tab.

Thanks VM for those that helped me get this working.

# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate
  - platform: tapo_p100_control
    email: [email protected]
    password: Passwor1
  - platform: tapo_p100_control
    email: [email protected]
    password: Passwor1
  - platform: tapo_p100_control
    email: [email protected]
    password: Passwor1
  - platform: tapo_p100_control
    email: [email protected]
    password: Passwor1

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

Also tested with 8 character password with only letters and lowercase. Working fine.

I have an error:
Platform error switch.tapo_p100_control - No module named ‘PyP100’

Can anyone help me?

I bought this plug several months ago and today I saw that there is a solution.

I just remove customs_components folder and configuration.yaml entries and made all again step by step with in between reboots.
Error disappear but I’n not seeing any new device or entities.
What’s your recommendation?

Same issue on my side. Tried to reinstall the module but get this message in the logs

Setup of switch platform tapo_p100_control is taking over 10 seconds.
8:27:57 PM – Switch (WARNING)

I don’t have any device / entities related to the Switch

Any idea?