I have a Utility Meter with 3 different tariffs (On-Peak, Off-Peak, Mid-Peak) I have started to notice that all my spikes seem to be happening right around the same time as the Utility Meter changed tariff. It might be coincidental but it happens a lot. I have been trying to track down all the information I can on where this is happening…
For instance I have a power plug that has an energy entity on it. Currently its at 18kWh so my understanding is, when you connect this to a Utility Meter it will take the first initial read form the sensor as a offset so to speak, an initial reading that does not count… the second reading will then be compared to the first one to see the changes.
- When a spike like this happens what can I check to understand where the spike came from?
I am looking in the database at the states
table for the metadata_id of the Utility Meter collecting the energy use and I see the following
state_id entity_id state attributes event_id last_changed last_changed_ts last_reported_ts last_updated last_updated_ts old_state_id attributes_id context_id context_user_id context_parent_id origin_idx context_id_bin context_user_id_bin context_parent_id_bin metadata_id
1083126 NULL unknown NULL NULL NULL NULL 1737688764.7467737 NULL 1737688764.746543 NULL 39028 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZSWUlFKQ3huVkltYTex9Q== NULL NULL 803
1083129 NULL unknown NULL NULL NULL 1737688764.746543 1737688764.7473576 NULL 1737688764.7471926 1083126 39029 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZSWUlFLBs6RH+nDhAEkmQ== NULL NULL 803
1083144 NULL unknown NULL NULL NULL 1737688764.746543 1737688781.615027 NULL 1737688781.615027 1083129 39028 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZSWUpMvmVjle5IvwtV3pA== NULL NULL 803
1093476 NULL unknown NULL NULL NULL 1737688764.746543 1737720000.4088442 NULL 1737720000.4088442 1083144 39029 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZSYLu+YO5EW9jp8fZ0A8Q== NULL NULL 803
1095103 NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1737727161.1436756 NULL 1737727161.1440692 1093476 39776 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZSYnDM4Cma2rlmMjInYfQ== NULL NULL 803
1095106 NULL 60129557486 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1737727161.145827 NULL 1737727161.145827 1095103 39779 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZSYnDM5oVxh3nMorJ+Vhg== NULL NULL 803
1095112 NULL 60129557486 NULL NULL NULL 1737727161.145827 NULL NULL 1737727196.9873047 1095106 39780 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZSYnL87XOpFmYh5a3LsoQ== NULL NULL 803
This is a brand new Utility Meter so you can see it was unknown for four reads and then went to 0 then jumped up to 60129557486 kWh (60.1 Billion kWh!!!)
When I look up the metadata_id for the energy sensor i get this
state_id entity_id state attributes event_id last_changed last_changed_ts last_reported_ts last_updated last_updated_ts old_state_id attributes_id context_id context_user_id context_parent_id origin_idx context_id_bin context_user_id_bin context_parent_id_bin metadata_id
935911 NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1736873812.1324253 NULL 1736873812.1324253 NULL 178 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZRlvyCkVOHp4sBbPfbq1g== NULL NULL 173
935916 NULL 16 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1736873891.3788078 935911 178 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZRlwFYyhccjNC6+TFyJkQ== NULL NULL 173
939478 NULL 16 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1736904068.110462 NULL 1736901599.255516 NULL 178 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZRnZyAXlI9x8sXeiv27lQ== NULL NULL 173
940175 NULL unavailable NULL NULL NULL NULL 1736904071.25484 NULL 1736904071.25484 939478 33820 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZRnjNhWVcDQcZqxArgAnw== NULL NULL 173
940368 NULL 16 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1736948828.6671357 NULL 1736904074.5657725 940175 178 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZRnjOVFU3jfnPMZdcKxug== NULL NULL 173
945985 NULL 18 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1736949209.0210357 NULL 1736949209.0210357 940368 178 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZRqPZe9nvGPKwT0efbaQw== NULL NULL 173
946027 NULL 16 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1737003331.9304888 NULL 1736949513.0974257 945985 178 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZRqQjuJZzg3DzdyZO9kJA== NULL NULL 173
953617 NULL 17 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1737028410.717656 NULL 1737003488.0600984 946027 178 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZRtedM8sIB29La3323Wmg== NULL NULL 173
957351 NULL 1179712 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1737032558.8018315 NULL 1737032558.8018315 953617 178 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZRvNWjR2nQQ4ZGKH5jAmQ== NULL NULL 173
957406 NULL 17 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1737058676.8158064 NULL 1737032856.5588806 957351 178 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZRvOfPuwWozRBB4OBk0Ow== NULL NULL 173
961577 NULL 77313635585 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1737060343.6965005 NULL 1737060343.6965005 957406 178 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZRw3V+Q5Gx2kTldhTx1Og== NULL NULL 173
961624 NULL 17 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1737211305.432954 NULL 1737060647.8832712 961577 178 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZRw4gPLYfT7A5+t86ZUfA== NULL NULL 173
985945 NULL 302006921 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1737211784.7911315 NULL 1737211784.7911315 961624 178 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZR55C5XCugb2Cp5JQlrKQ== NULL NULL 173
985991 NULL 17 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1737291231.9444633 NULL 1737212089.3696983 985945 178 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZR56NQZqVowfZqd0Jl6tw== NULL NULL 173
994684 NULL 14 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1737292789.5208461 NULL 1737292789.5208461 985991 178 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZR+uDcQJu2SeRew+Aat0w== NULL NULL 173
994705 NULL 17 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1737430216.4147894 NULL 1737292944.6086001 994684 178 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZR+upTgahqS5E6YPx3EHQ== NULL NULL 173
1018245 NULL 18 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1737430347.890794 994705 178 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZSG6zByYrNRT4hWInRdbg== NULL NULL 173
1038885 NULL 18 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1737599661.3273947 NULL 1737551880.45238 NULL 178 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZSOKaEEw36qYclL9o35Wg== NULL NULL 173
1048218 NULL 15410362319107 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1737600170.9695263 NULL 1737600170.9695263 1038885 178 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZSRCnvZxV6ZdMCG8kaDYQ== NULL NULL 173
1048242 NULL 18 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1737726970.4645069 NULL 1737600258.1760218 1048218 178 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZSRC9CAYSuKZxfPtkSv4A== NULL NULL 173
1095100 NULL 60129557504 NULL NULL NULL NULL 1737727161.1419084 NULL 1737727161.1419084 1048242 178 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZSYnDM1YIyylIMPmbQl/A== NULL NULL 173
1095111 NULL 18 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 1737727196.9861915 1095100 178 NULL NULL NULL 0 AZSYnL86zOfdtWtgV5DScw== NULL NULL 173
These readings are all over the place LOL the one for 15.4 trillion!!! that really throws off your calculations for cost
I am using the Hubitat integration from HASC store.
When I look at the readings form Hubitat they are all 18kWh and don’t show any of these spikes.
So somewhere between Hubitat and HomeAssistant these reading spiked… How do I track it down to see what is causing it… I know I can just throw a filter on the reading to remove these kinds of spikes but I would also like to make sure I am correcting an issue if there is one.
EDIT: I just realized I did not have logging enabled for the MakerAPI on the Hubitat so I have enabled that to possibly see what it is reporting to HomeAssistant.
Curious were to start of if its a moot attempt to even look and just use a filter and move on with my life!