I have some sensors here that take precious energy while being queried. So, I don’t want to query them too often. On the other hand, I’d like to have the most current measurements as possible when viewing them.
So, I’d like to put their values on an own dashboard and update them all the time I open this certain dashboard, but only then. There’s no clue updating them, when they are not viewed anyway.
So, is there a way to trigger an event/automation, when the user opens a dashboard?
The sensors are always active. So showing them on the dasboard or not, will not save energy in that way.
But I assume you mean processing power of the device showing the dashboard?
A “sensor” is “also” a real device, not only a home assistant entity. So, what I mean is a real sensor on a real hardware device. I can poll this sensor by a serial command, already bridged to mqtt. But the polling takes some energy so I’d like to send the polling message only when I really open the associated dashboard.