Is there any way to trigger the LIVE camera view when motion is detected ?.
Yes and no.
You can use camera motion sensor to detect motion
You can use automation and script component to launch action…use some Linux function to display camera in separate wepage or application in HASS ui (maybe possible to simulate click in webpage)
Thanks for the reply. Ive got IR sensors in every room. I thought there was a script or commands in Home Assistant. Maybe someone could implement that in Hass. Open live view and for how long it’s stays open etc.
Anyone have any ideas at all how this could be implemented?
I would be interested as well. I am currently working on a webrtc module to allow door intercom integration currently with a Axis door station. Push the button and pop up the webrtc page with video … any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
I’m looking for the same solution. Must be a way to automate the action of clicking the camera picture for live view. Not sure about closing it after a time period.
anyone had any luck triggering a camera feed to open?
I use browser_mod popup card with a picture-glance card with the camera entity in it and trigger it with an automation when camera detects motion via a webook from iSPY:
large: true
title: Front Door
- type: picture-glance
- entity: binary_sensor.front_door_camera_motion
- entity: binary_sensor.doorbell_button
- entity: binary_sensor.front_door
camera_image: camera.front_door
camera_view: live
aspect_ratio: 16:9
show_state: false
- alias: Front Door Motion Webook ON
- platform: webhook
webhook_id: front_door_motion_on
- service: browser_mod.more_info
entity_id: camera.front_door
- xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx
large: true
- alias: Front Door Motion Webook OFF
- platform: webhook
webhook_id: front_door_motion_off
- service: browser_mod.close_popup
I’d imagine that popups would be too intrusive during heavy motion detection.
Can I ask, where do you define that camera.front_door entity? Is that in configuration.yaml? Or somewhere in the views in ui_lovelace?
Its defined in browser_mod, more-info replacement:
so you need to add it under popup_cards:
in views:
I have my config split, but if not it goes in ui-lovelace.yaml:
- title: Home
icon: mdi:house
large: true
title: Front Door
- type: picture-glance
- entity: binary_sensor.front_door_camera_motion
- entity: binary_sensor.doorbell_button
- entity: binary_sensor.front_door
camera_image: camera.front_door
camera_view: live
aspect_ratio: 16:9
show_state: false
This helped me. Got it working. Thanks