Trigger ID when merging triggers in blueprints

I really like the option to merge triggers in blueprints as proposed by @karwosts (Add a syntax for merging lists of triggers by karwosts · Pull Request #117698 · home-assistant/core · GitHub), documented here: Automation Trigger - Home Assistant.

However, I’m struggling implementing it with trigger IDs. I try to create an automation that fires based on both groups of pre-defined triggers and variable blueprint triggers. To distinguish between the different trigger groups I want to use the trigger ID.

The below config works perfectly until I start adding trigger IDs to the blueprint-based triggers. Is there a different syntax to add it? Do I have to add the ID already in the blueprint input definition?

Thank you very much in advance for your help!

      name: "Presence Trigger"
      default: []
      name: "No Presence Trigger"
      default: []

  - trigger: event
      - automation_reloaded
      - homeassistant_started
    id: update
  - triggers: !input presence_trigger
    id: presence_trigger  # Does not work
  - triggers: !input no_presence_trigger
    id: no_presence_trigger  # Does not work

  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
              - update

Unfortunately there’s not a way to do that right now.

The only way I have come up with to differentiate between triggers produced by selectors is to also stuff them into variables so that a template can count how many there are, then use that count to compare against the trigger index.

trigger.idx | int(-1) (value is a string, so needs the type conversion)

I’ve started an architectural discussion to propose a solution to this.

Please leave any feedback here: Allow trigger groups to have an ID · home-assistant/architecture · Discussion #1187 · GitHub

Thank you for your quick responses and for starting the architectural discussion! I’m hoping to see that in action soon.

Good idea for the workaround @Mayhem_SWE. I’m going to label it as solution until we get the proper version.