WTH trigger ID blueprint selector and/or during flattening

Currently working on an alarm clock blueprint of sorts, which when complete will feature user configurable triggers for snoozing and stopping the alarm. I imagine that these triggers will typically be configured as buttons on a dashboard or physical remote.

One issue with this is that though blueprints support an arbitrary number of trigger selectors, there is no convenient way to differentiate between them after merging them into a triggers block. The only way I have come up with so far (but not yet tested) would be to also put the output of the trigger selectors into variables, and use those variables list lengths for comparisons against the trigger.idx variable. Probably should work, but as I said, hardly convenient…

A better solution would be if it was possible to easily add a trigger ID. I would propose that this is either done as a new configuration variable on the trigger selector, as an additional property on any triggers dictionary that is flattened onto a parent triggers dictionary, or possibly both.

      name: My triggers
          id: my_trigger_id
- triggers: !input my_triggers
  id: my_trigger_id

We have such a nice new feature. But you can’t use the triggers in a more complex blueprint because you can’t assign an ID.

I can’t recognise from the trigger which choice branch I should continue in.

I’ve started an architectural discussion to propose a solution to this.

If you’re a blueprint author and have a stake in the implementation, please leave your feedback here, thanks!

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