TRVs to order

I have 14 of the eurotroniv trvs. They do report valve position, and I believe that you can control valve position with custom commands, however when reporting is enabled it appears to kill the batteries so I have disabled the setting. Overall, pretty good and do what I need them to do. I also have 5 Danfoss LC trvs, but they don’t report temperature, and I have them on a 5 minute wake up interval. So not instant control like the eurotronics, but not bad.

With 2MQTT it does. If you follow my link above and click the “zigbee2mqtt” button, it takes you to the same entry as yours for the TS0601. There it says that you can read the valve position in % but not set it.

This ones?


Any hints on enabling?

I see the folllowing in settings

Found this post on controlling the valve. Seems good enough but if HA goes down…

[Eurotronic Spirit radiator valves with external temperature sensors in ZwaveJS](Eurotronic Spirit radiator valves with external temperature sensors in ZwaveJS - #9 by moskovskiy82)

Yes. With the setting = 0, reporting is disabled. Set it to 25%, but be warned, it will chew the batteries.

A short heads-up: check my update of my first answer. If you have M30 valves, you might have issues with this TRV.

Hi. I just posted the following question before finding this post of yours. Any experience or advice with the Smart Radiator Thermostat (

Using European ZWave Radiator device in the US - Hardware - Home Assistant Community (


Which ones did you order?

The “Moes ZTRV-ZX-TV01-MS” via AliExpress.
Moes agreed upon the partial refund I suggested, so at least that went well. I also was able to exchange the M30 nuts with the ones on my old TRVs, so they fit now.
Earlier, I tested the same model but from a different seller (“Moes Overseas Store”) and this one didn’t have the issue.

Middle of the hot summer, just the perfect time to order 3 Shelly TRVs. Plumber will install them. I’ll update with experiences.

I have the Moes thermostats: Tuya ZigBee3.0 Smart Thermostat Radiator Valve Temperature Controller – MOES
These are connected to Homeassistant via Z2m.
Now I have the problem that the valve only opens at a 5° difference.
Example: I set 22° degrees and in the room it must first be 17° for the valve to open.
Can I set this somewhere?

Read the manual. For 0601 there is an option to set the hysteresis temperature

I could Not found it in the Manual :worried:
How can i Set the Hysteresis ?

Any chance you already solved the hysteresis issue?
I have the same problem.

Thank you

lmgtfy… A8

You have this one ?
If you do, I have the same. Five of them to be precisely. I’m still experimenting with them and I saw few problems. One of them is that it doesn’t turn valve on or off when it reach target temperature or when it drops below target temperature. The other problem is when you put it in eco mode and switch eco mode off it stay on eco mode temperature.
For now I’m experimenting with better thermostat integration and lovelace card.
I put my room temperature sensor closer to the radiator so that temp on sensors is close to the temperature of trv sensor. I done that because if I put sensor away from radiator, temperature readings from trv sensor and temperature sensor will be different and integration will do trv temp calibration.
For now, as I see, when temperature reach target temperature on temperature sensor integration will turn off radiator valve. And this is what I want. This integration support window / door open. I have contact sensor in door frame. As I test it, when I open door it will turn off trv after time elapse you specify.
I’m still testing all of this, but it does look promising.

How do you know it doesn’t turn off? This valve has a huge problem with reporting valve position in z2b. If that is a case

My valves report valve state. I looked now and three of them have valve state turned off as it should be because they supposed to tun off at 11:30. Two of them has valve state on because they are in manual mode and this should be turned on.
Only one has valve turned on but this vlave is far away from coordinator and I’m suspecting low rssi.

So they only report on/off and not the percentage value?

No. They report all values. On/off, valve state, percentage, eco etc.
I just told that they doesn’t close valve state when room reach target temperature and they doesn’t restore target temp when you switch off eco mode.
It seems that integration better thermostat solve those problems. But I’m still testing things. This is my first winter with them.

If it comes to the noise these devices do create.
shelly = as if roadworks in front of the house

If it comes to overall dimensions
AVM 302 is the smallest I’ve seen so far

If it comes to manual handling
AVM 302 or the above mentioned Saswell rotary

If it comes to smartness … we’re talking about device which once set up should do their job.
Means this is important in the very first 1 weeks if ever.
For the time after this period all differnt ones I tried for a while are ok. They should do their job not asking me to track them day in day out fiddeling with settings.