Trying to add a mediola2mqtt add-on fails


I’ve been using @andyboeh mediola2mqtt for a while without issues. I recently purchased a Home Assistant Green as a replacement and restored a backup. Everything works except for that add-on.

I copy the contents of the GitHub repository (GitHub - andyboeh/mediola2mqtt: Mediola MQTT Gateway) to the local addons folder and try to install it via the GUI but I receive the following error:

Failed to to call /addons/local_mediola2mqtt/install - The command ‘/bin/ash -o pipefail -c pip3 install paho-mqtt’ returned a non-zero code: 1

I have no clue what that means. :sweat_smile: A quick Google search didn’t really give any answers either.

Any assistance would be appreciated!

That means that the system failed to add the required paho-mqtt library. This could be due to some outdated Dockerfile in mediola2mqtt or a network outage or or or …

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Thank you for your reply! Pretty sure it’s not network related. I’ve looked to add that manually but couldn’t really find a way how. I thought it was included in the MQTT addon. :man_shrugging:t3:

The MQTT addon provides the server. Since add-ons are completely isolated (docker container), this addon requires the client library.

Check, there are the calls to pip3 install paho-mqtt. You could try to use the apk package instead.

Thank you for your input, @andyboeh

Home Assistant Green is using Alpine Linux. Perhaps that’s the ‘difference’? Editing the Docker file I was able to let the add-on install. I changed it to:

RUN apk add --no-cache python3
RUN apk add py3-pip
RUN apk add py3-paho-mqtt
RUN apk add py3-requests
RUN apk add py3-yaml

It works now. Thanks! :pray::partying_face:


where I will find the docker file ?
Can I change it using the HA UI ? With fiel editor?

This is even explained in the first post of this topic.

THX, will try to edit the file and restart the installation!

Perhaps an good idea to change this in github? So the installation will run through for the next user and didn‘t need any corrections!

Just an idea!

Maybe you overlooked that

  • add-on mode was never supported
  • development has stopped over a year ago
  • the project is archived and read-only

So your idea isn’t going to happen from my side. Feel free to fork it and make the changes!

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have seen that but I‘m new in this and still learning! THX

Hi Jordy,

how add you the different divices to HA.
I got now the integration, but no divices!
Can you help me?




can you help me?
Got the device into HA, but can‘t use it?

If anyone is stumbling over this thread, I have forked the repository and made some adjustments. It is now working again and I have made it installable through the AddOns Store UI, so no more file copies.
Please note that I have fixed it just for my dad and do not own any mediola gateways - therefore I am unable to maintain this repository.

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