Ttlock unifi block china

Hi all

As expected ttlock seems to need china access to work remotely. Has anyone worked out how to block china but just allow the servers required for ttlock?

Bit of a long shot

I use these at my dad’s house as there are not many options for multi lock

Thanks very much

If you can’t change the firmware running you need to deal with rules the manufacture put on the device. Essentially you only bought hardware but it can to turn into a brick every time the vendor decides to turn the servers off. Many examples exist were clouds force defeat turned into trash, just don’t follow that trend

Also the user ratings seem to show that it might not be the first choice for many

In fact you might use a vulnerability of the lock to local access without cloud

yeah these locks were cheap and they are good quality but the gateway sucks

they were the only ones i could find that work with multi point doors