Finally got the Sonos TTS up and running reading allot of pages in this wonderful forum
I also found the code for telling the time but cant get it working my test automation is this (Works)
but instead of telling the time I get funny talk saying %…
# Test speaking on Sonos
- alias: test speaking
- platform: state
from: 'off'
to: 'on'
entity_id: switch.sonoff_pow_r2
- service: script.turn_on
entity_id: script.say
where: 'kkken'
what: 'The time is {{ now().hour}} {{ "%0.02d" | format(now().strftime("%-M") | int) }}'
And the Sonos script (That I had the most luck with) is this one:
# > SONOS TTS script to speak with text-to-speech
alias: SONOS TTS
- service: media_player.sonos_snapshot
entity_id: "{{ 'media_player.' ~ where }}"
with_group: yes
- service: media_player.sonos_unjoin
entity_id: "{{ 'media_player.' ~ where }}"
- service: media_player.volume_set
entity_id: "{{ 'media_player.' ~ where }}"
volume_level: 0.45
- service: tts.google_say
entity_id: "{{ 'media_player.' ~ where }}"
message: "{{ what }}"
language: 'da'
# Add a delay (default 1) in a length which you think fits best for all the things you want to say over TTS
- delay:
seconds: 1
- delay: >-
{% set duration = states.media_player[where].attributes.media_duration %}
{% if duration > 0 %}
{% set duration = duration - 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% set seconds = duration % 60 %}
{% set minutes = (duration / 60)|int % 60 %}
{% set hours = (duration / 3600)|int %}
{{ [hours, minutes, seconds]|join(':') }}
- service: media_player.sonos_restore
entity_id: "{{ 'media_player.' ~ where }}"
with_group: yes
I see so many possibilities in TTS on my Sonos speakers, but telling the time would be nice
@pnbruckner sorry to bother you again but I seem to only get the hours not the minutes
always just 00 on minutes
Do you by any chance see what could be causing this?
‘The time is {{ now().hour}} {{ “%0.02d” | format(now().strftime("%-M") | int) }}’
The Sonos TTS requires the fancy curly quotes instead of “” see last lines where & what (see above) @pnbruckner trying your code I get this error
Validate your configuration if you recently made some changes to your configuration and want to make sure that it is all valid
Configuration invalid
Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: while scanning for the next token
found character ‘%’ that cannot start any token
in “/config/configuration.yaml”, line 622, column 53
@RobDYI I cant see the difference…it tell the time in hours 22 and then always 00
Can you post what you have now? This topic is way too long to go back and try to read everything and figure out what you may or may not have. Even if the Sonos TTS requires fancy curly quotes, you still have to satisfy the jinja template, which requires normal single or double quotes. If you post what you have I may be able to spot what is wrong.
@pnbruckner its only 8 posts , but they are long - I tried so many options now, also tried many different TTS scripts for Sonos but this is best in regards to calculating the length and ungrouping speakers
TTS Script:
# > SONOS TTS script to speak with text-to-speech
alias: SONOS TTS
- service: media_player.sonos_snapshot
entity_id: "{{ 'media_player.' ~ where }}"
with_group: yes
- service: media_player.sonos_unjoin
entity_id: "{{ 'media_player.' ~ where }}"
- service: media_player.volume_set
entity_id: "{{ 'media_player.' ~ where }}"
volume_level: 0.45
- service: tts.google_say
entity_id: "{{ 'media_player.' ~ where }}"
message: "{{ what }}"
language: 'da'
# Add a delay (default 1) in a length which you think fits best for all the things you want to say over TTS
- delay:
seconds: 1
- delay: >-
{% set duration = states.media_player[where].attributes.media_duration %}
{% if duration > 0 %}
{% set duration = duration - 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% set seconds = duration % 60 %}
{% set minutes = (duration / 60)|int % 60 %}
{% set hours = (duration / 3600)|int %}
{{ [hours, minutes, seconds]|join(':') }}
- service: media_player.sonos_restore
entity_id: "{{ 'media_player.' ~ where }}"
with_group: yes
And the automation script triggering the time: (working just only saying hours and 00)
# Test speaking on Sonos
- alias: Test speaking on Sonos
hide_entity: true
- platform: state
from: 'off'
to: 'on'
entity_id: switch.sonoff_pow_r2
- service: script.turn_on
entity_id: script.say
where: 'kkken'
what: 'Klokken er nu {{ now().hour}} {{ "%0.02d" | format(now().strftime("%-M") | int) }}'
- service: notify.ios_group_caspersen_home
message: "Sonos test triggered {{ states('sensor.time') }}"
title: "Home Assistant"
@pnbruckner sorry to bother you again but I just got another issue this time telling the temperature sensor on Sonoff correctly its working and it tells the temperature outside…
BUT the temperature is listed as 6.5 °C and I think the dot “.” should be a comma “,” in order for google to speak it
# Have temperatur for Google Assistant
alias: "Temperatur i haven"
- service: tts.google_say
entity_id: media_player.stue, media_player.sonos_koekken
message: 'Temperaturen i haven er {{ states("sensor.havetemperatur") }} grader'
cache: false
Is there any easy way to substitute the . with a comma in the above syntax?
Or should it be done at the sensor:
message: oven is on for {{ (as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.automation.oven_warning.attributes.last_triggered))| timestamp_custom("%M") }} minutes!