Tube's ZB Coordinators and Routers (was Zigbee router on steroids?)

There are options in both zigpy-znp and z2m to increase tx power. However I believe I recently read that it is a max of 12db in the FW due to possible regulations. If the full 20 is desired it would need to be self compiled.

just found this

Given the timing of that post there have been a few dev builds since then. Maybe fixed in those… check the change logs on the z-stack fw repo dev branch

@tube0013 I had my tube_zb_gw_cc2652p2 running for few months flawless. I’m currently trying to change the zigbee2mqtt network key and I can’t add the coordinator after the key has changed. Does the zRST “factory reset” the device ? if not how can I just start from scratch and clear everything in the coordinator ?


zRST just reboots the cc2652 module.

to do a full “factory reset” follow the directions here and do a NVRAM reset

(the virtual env setup works well based on my experiences)

command will look something like this:

python -m socket://IP-ADDRESS:6638

Thanks for the reply! I finally was able to get it working by disconnecting all zigbee devices that acted as a router, removing the antenna and putting the coordinator inside a metal box… It looks like z2m refused to let the coordinator rejoin because it was still receiving data from device joined at the “old network”.

Anyway pretty confused here but at least the coordinator and my router are back in z2m, but now I struggle to rejoin my devices, I’m not sure if it’s on the z2m side or if the tube are in a weird state

check for interference on the channel ^ use the tools link I sent above do and energy scan. (just disable z2m when doing it) it won’t change or modify any settings on the zigbee module either.

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Thanks again, I cleared nvram, started from scratch in z2m and everything is working now after rejoining all devices! Have a great day

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Hi @tube0013,
I signed up on your website for the CC2652P2 Based Zigbee to Power Over Ethernet Serial Coordinator V2, but I see they are back in stock on your website. Before I purchase, are there any known issues with HomeAssistant/Zigbee2MQTT that I would be aware of?
Many thanks

Apologies if you were on the waiting list and didn’t get notified (it’s possible the email was flagged as spam)

both Zigbee2mqtt and zha work well with the devices as others here can support I think (hope :joy:)

Flawless on my side, I used it with both ZHA and Z2M no problem with the devices. Only glitch was when I tried to change the network key in Z2M I had to wipe nvram but @tube0013 was quick to help and provide ressources!

I received my coordinator today. first try failed an now i get

[D][serial_server:042]: Not accepting new connection from, only one client allowede

When i try to connect with the zha integration… what can i do?

looks like something else is connected to the device? what all have you done so far?

I tried to connect to it. the integration showed an error. i removed the integration.

okay if you unplug the coordinator complete, remove zha integration, restart HA.

Plug in coordinator. does it show as a discovered device for ZHA? what happens if you try to configure it?


It works. wow.

Thank you. I’m such an idiot, that i didn’t restart HA

awesome! should have worked the first time so no need to be hard on yourself!

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Ok back with the next Problem. I see another coordinator, which can’t be deleted, besides the new one:

by unk_manufacturer

In the Visualisation Tab i can see that the devices i added to the new coordinator are connected to the odd one.

btw, i newer used ZHA before. I used the Tradfri,Aqara Hub till now

I’ve see this before but not really know the cause. if you aren’t too long into it and hone have the 2 device paired it may be worth starting over…

delete the zha integration. restart HA, delete the zigbee.db folder in your config folder, then re-add zha.

this may be a remanent from the first attempt and the zigbee.db was created and since it wasn’t removed. otherwise it likely won’t cause any harm

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Yeah this may be a good idea, most devices are connecte to the old hubs.
Thanks again.