Tube's ZB Coordinators and Routers (was Zigbee router on steroids?)

I have a Tube Zigbee Coordinator (CC2652p2 POE) and I flashed Tasmota firmware. How can I revert to ESPHome? Thanks in advance.

the easiest path to revert it to ESPhome would likely be to disconnect from PoE, open the case and flash over the micro usb port on the Olimex ESP32 with the ESPHomeFlasher

I believe tasmota won’t easilly allow you to flash another fw OTA - but doing it via the USB serial has the benefit of erasing the flash completely which is a good idea so no remnants of tasmota stick around.

firmware is here: (i just compile a new one based on the current release of ESPhome 2 days ago, but either bin should work fine)

esphome flasher is here:

general flashing instructions are here (ignore the usb/serial set up instructions as PoE module includes that).

Thanks, it’s very kind of you. Have your devices ever been tested in an openHAB environment?

Honestly I don’t know. It looks like the cc2652 is not supported natively. Using Zigbee2mqtt may be an option.

In any case I tried and I successfully reverted to ESPHome by Tasmota’s OTA.

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I received a router yesterday. Is there any thing special I have to do to pair it with ZHA? Are there any lights on this thing?

Permit joins and plug it in.

No lights

Got it. I’ll try it a little closer to my coordinator when I get home. I was trying to join through another router.

if you need to reset the router to restart pairing mode, pop the cover on the case and just tap the button labeled BSL.

FWIW I test all routers to #1 make sure they get power, #2 test join them to a test network, and reset them before shipping.

The POE coordinator is a tank so far! I have it temporarily installed in the basement and intentionally moved the first devices from the current Conbee II coordinator that are the furthest away… and this thing doesn’t care. The signal stretch is much better than it was with the Conbee in the next room over and POE is going to make it so easy to place it in a central location when I’m ready. Thanks, @tube0013!

FYI, Koenkk has now uploaded an experimental firmware for CC2652P/CC1352P with a default set to 9 dBm TX power output (transmission amplification) and configurable up a max of 20 dBm TX power:

ITead’s Sonoff CC2652P dongle with 20 dBm config is reported to work fine with Zigbee2MQTT but a similar 9 dBm TX power configuration in Home Assistant’s ZHA integration does currently not seem to work:

Would be great if users with Tube’s CC2652P based products could test 19/20 dBm TX power output.

@tube0013 I have two of your routers sitting on my network and have a couple of questions. I am using ZHA with the Nortek HUSBZB-1 as the coordinator. The ZHA map shows really low LQI numbers from the routers. Is there something I’m supposed to do to improve this?
Also I have Aqara motion and temperature sensors in the network. The ones that are force added to Ikea and Innr plugs stay connected. But the ones that are children of the Tubeszb routers drop off every couple of days.
Would switching to your coordinator improve anything or is this more of a bring back the Ikea plugs situation? I was frustrated by the limit on the number of children those plugs seem to have.

@drjjr I saw your post and wanted to reply because I had the exact same problem. I started with a Tube router, a couple of plugs and the HUSBZB-1 and noticed the same drop outs. I saw it with Aqara moisture sensors and temperature sensors. It was frustrating, and I tried everything to make it work including HUSBZB-1 firmware updates.

In the end, I upgraded to a Tube coordinator and the problems went away. (I still use the HUSBZB-1 for Z-Wave, but rely on Tube for Zigbee.) I think that the problem was due to a less than stellar Zigbee radio in the HUSBZB-1 and so imagine that other coordinators might work too. All that said, I am still not sure if the routers make a difference or if the problem was simply resolved by the new coordinator. (If it matters, I use the EFR32-based coordinator.)

I have flashed my Tube Coordinator with Koenkk’s latest launchpad dev firmware. I am seeing a slight increase in the signal strength on the ZHA visualization page. However, I do not believe setting the power to 19 in my config file has made any change (same as others have reported in the GitHub issues.)

One problem I have observed is that my Lowes Iris v2 sensors (motion, contact, and leak) struggle to properly pair directly to the Tube Coordinator running this firmware (and possibly the previous released version as well). I can pair an Iris 3210-L outlet without problem, and then use that repeater to pair the sensors without any issues.

Not sure what is going on, as all of the devices are within 10 feet of each other, and I am using Zigbee channel 15, which should have little to no interference in my house based on my use of 2.4GHz WiFi channels 1, 6, and 11 with a 20MHz channel width. :thinking:

It’s a common misconception, but WiFi and Zigbee channel numberings are not the same, see here. Zigbee channel 15 puts you right between Wifi channel 1 and 6

Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. I am already very familiar with Zigbee and 2.4 WiFi overlap. I have a very stable Zigbee mesh on channel 25 for my Hue bridge and it’s lights, and I have another very stable Hubitat Zigbee mesh on channel 20. So, for my needs, Zigbee channel 15 would seem to be ideal.

I have just received my PoE coordinator, so ready to install. Many thanks @tube0013 , great work !
Currently running ZHA with ConbeeII and a dozen of devices, but I often have devices dropping off and power consumption on some plugs isn’t working.
What would you suggest, stay on ZHA and migrate all devices to Tube’s ZB coordinator or move to Z2M using the add-on ?
I’m also still running a HUE bridge, and think about moving that also to the new coordinator.

I’ve been using ZHA mainly but recently just started testing the waters with zigbee2mqtt. Setting it up is a hassle but I really like the functionality. I’d recommend giving zigbee2mqtt a try. You can run both at the same time without any issues provided they you are using two different coordinators and different ZigBee channels. What I ended up doing is setting up zigbee2mqtt, permit joins, unpairing a device from zha and have it automatically picked up in zigbee2mqtt (only caveat is you should start with devices close to the coordinator since they will be two separate ZigBee networks).

Hello, I have a cc2652p2 router. Performance of this router is amazing, but I have a problem. After some days, the whole zigbee network is not working. It needs to unplug the router and plug it again to fix the issue. Is there any solution or any update to fix this?

Disable the USB autosuspend feature, if cat /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend returns 1 or 2 it is enabled

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